Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Inevitable Is Driving Me Crazy!

I love a clean counter. 
I love an empty laundry basket. 
I love it when I can see the floor, absent of toys scattered throughout it. 
I love vacuum lines on the carpet. 
I love being able to SEE through the windows and mirrors, having them being absent of fingerprints, splattered toothpaste, and saliva (my girls are into licking the windows and mirrors.....!)

Looking at my house, you would really know nothing of this.  It's ridiculous, really. 

WHY, when EVERY time I run the dishwasher, it is inevitable that a water glass, a bowl, or some other dish finds it's way to the sink not five minutes later.  Here I am, working so hard and meticulously putting the dishes in the dishwasher so that all of them will fit.  I love the puzzle solving it entails sometimes!  I even do a quick run through the house, check the end tables, the nightstands, the table, the counter, the desk..... I put the dishwashing soap in the container, shut the door, and give myself a smug smile and a quick sqeaul of delight!  I DID IT!  Such an exciting moment in my day!  (yes, this may just be as pathetic as it sounds..... but it's still MY moment to shine during the day!) 

But this moment lasts for just that.  Because just a few minutes later another dish appears!  Just enough time in between so that you can't just open the dishwasher and throw it in last minute.....!  *SIGH*  You may be thinking, "just wash it by hand if it bothers you so much".  Hmmm..... that's an option.  Though I consider that a disservice to my dishwasher...... haha.  That and the fact that I HATE washing dishes by hand and pretty much just refuse to do it.  I won't even buy dishes that aren't dishwasher safe.  I know, I can be pretty pathetic. 

This is the same feeling I get with everything else on my "list of loves".....!  A laundry hamper gets emptied when the last load of laundry gets put in the wash..... then, again, it's inevitable that two minutes later, there will be more dirty clothes in the hamper.  Ugh.  Sometimes I feel the urge to go hunt for other things I can wash (like hand towels in bathrooms, bath towels, bed sheets, pillow cases....) just so I can make another load to get that hamper empty again.....!  haha. 

The floor looks FAN-tastic while the girls are sleeping, since the rule in our house is that we pick everything up before nap and again before bath time.  But again, it only lasts as long as they are sleeping..... haha. 

So, today, I give it up to the Lord.  As I have to do daily.  I am well aware that these things are not by any means, "important".  I'd much rather be able to spend the extra time with my girls than worry about these things.  But my anxiety level is always hightened when this chaos of a house surrounds me.  It is inevitable that these things are going to happen and that the house will never be kept in perfect condition, or even up to my standards.  Therefore, this verse has been embedded in my brain:

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7

It's a verse that we have all heard millions of times (or I hope you have, anyway....!) but I think we often do just that: hear it.  I hope that you will take a moment to really read that again and soak it in.  He cares for YOU!  He cares about all your little anxiety attacks that you may have (even if it IS just about a water glass left in the sink!)  He wants to take those from you!  I think that sometimes God gives us those feelings of anxiety so that we will be reminded that we need Him.  I am so thankful that I have a God that will take my EVERY care away, no matter how big or how small.  He wants them ALL!  He WANTS them all!  So give them up, take a deep breath and know that those dirty dishes will just go in the next load.  And tomorrow, you can give all those anxieties back to God again.  and again and again.  And He will welcome them with open arms EVERY time! 


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