Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's Bittersweet

So I am having a very bittersweet week.  I have so many friends who are pregnant right now.  It's funny how when you find out you are pregnant, all these pregnant women pop up and you also start noticing pregnant women everywhere you go.  (Kind of like when you buy a new car, then start seeing that car everywhere.....haha)

My pregnant friends have all sorts of due dates, ranging from now to August I believe.  And several other friends who have had babies within the last few months.  One momma in particular, Heather, I was super excited to be pregnant with.  We were pregnant with our first girls together and also worked together.  Her due date is July 14th.  Another friend, is due June 24th, and another friend is due July 2nd.  All four of us are were are were (gee, I just don't know what word to use there..... I guess it's a was for me and an 'are' for them.....??..... awkward....!) due around the same time.  I loved reading their updates and posts on facebook since I could oh, so relate to them! :) 

These three women (as well as a few others) have been having ultrasounds this week (or have them scheduled for next week....) to find out the gender of their babies.  It's bittersweet.  I should also be finding out the sex of my baby.  I guess in a way I could brag that I already know the gender...... but I can honestly say that I would rather have had to wait to find out! 

My heart is joyful for these mothers as I get to see their posts of anticipation and then the result of their ultrasounds!  But part of my heart breaks with that twinge of jealousy.  They still have the hope of being able to hold their precious bundle of joy.  I am pretty good at hiding my jealousy though and will save my tears for another time.  The bible says to "rejoice with those who rejoice" so that's what I shall do.  Because, truly, I am so excited for them.  I, too, know the overwhelming JOY that comes after you hear those words of "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!"  But, my heart also aches to be able to hold MY baby boy.  They have a few months left to wait; I have an unknown length of time......


MY HOPE COMES FROM THE LORD...... That I will get ETERNITY with Jordan when that day arrives! 

On the night that we found out we lost Jordan, Shawn's cousin, Becky, had her baby girl.  I guess it's true:  The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away......  this was another bittersweet moment. 

Isn't she a beauty???  (Picture taken by Erica Moshe Photography)  Those little cheeks are to die for! :)
For now, while I WAIT IN HOPE, I will be lifting each and every one of these women I know that are pregnant up in prayer for a healthy remainder of their pregnancy and that their hearts remain joyful as they get closer to the day they meet their little ones.  I pray they ENJOY their pregnancy and realize the privilege and blessing they have been given to be entrusted with raising and caring for God's child.  For everything we own belongs to the Lord.  Even our children.  

Psalm 33:20-22 We wait in hope for the LORD; he is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love be with us, LORD, even as we put our hope in you.


1 comment:

  1. Nikki Your faith in the Lord is truly inspiring! I am in tears as I read this blog, and many before this one. My heart is broken for you and what you're going through. The struggle with bittersweet, happiness, jealousy- will subside with time. I am constantly thinking of you and praying for you! Thank you for sharing the deepest details of your family, and your love for Christ! You are touching the lives of many, mine included. <3 Jen T
