Thursday, October 13, 2011

A BUSY season!

Caution: Confusing back-story ahead......

So last night we stayed in Yakima at my mom's house.  Shawn was in Yakima also, but he is staying at his boss's house while he is in China.  He is working for his (old) boss for a few days while he is there and before Shawn leaves for Arizona.  He leaves this morning to fly out for Arizona for a week.  Why is he there?  He is visiting a friend in Phoenix and will probably drive over to Tuscan one day to visit his sister, Alyssa at grad school.  Kind of a silly trip since he found out that his friend is moving back to Yakima in about 3 weeks........ haha.  But it will be good for him to have a break and have some fun.  I'm sure they will just sit around and play video games the whole time.... but whatever floats their boat. ;)

ANYWAY...... so back to last night...... I put the girls to bed at 8:00, and I think they finally fell asleep at about 9:30 after having to go in there multiple times to tell them to lay back down and quit playing!  (They are most definitely NOT ready to share a room again!)  So I went to bed probably around 11:00 and I was laying in the bed praying, kind of half out loud, I think. (I was in the same room as the girls).  I was praying for Shawn's trip and then I prayed something like "and I also pray for a lot of extra patience this week while Shawn is gone...." and out of the blue Hannah shouts "YA! YA!" Yes, she was asleep.  And that was the only thing she said.  Apparently she talks in her sleep..... but I found it quite hilarious! When she said it, I sat up to look over at her and was like "what the heck?" It was really weird.  I guess she wants me to have extra patience too, huh?!  haha.

Well, sorry I haven't written for so long.  I can't believe it's been that long, really!  I have so many pictures I need to post and I am about to have a LOT more, I have a feeling!  I just got a new toy and LOVE it!  I got a new camera a couple of days ago and having a lot of learning and tinkering around with it to do, but I already LOVE it!  It's a Nikon D3100!  Whoo Hoo!  It's my new best friend for the moment!  :) 

The night before last, we went over to my Aunt's house to visit my cousin, her husband and their baby, Mckinley!  They are up from California and I was so excited to see them!  She has grown so much since I saw her last!  And she started crawling the same day we visited!  :)  She is so stinkin cute and I can't wait to post a few pictures of her! :) 

Shawn finished with harvest last Friday.  I think he was happy it was over, though I know he enjoyed the experience of his first harvest.  But I think he's ready to sleep in again...... haha. 

Shawn and I started a small group at church and we are enjoying it.  Megan has been kind enough to watch the girls while we go, which makes it super nice to be able to have an adult conversation without a child on your lap trying to distract you in every way possible!  I have also started going to Bible Study Fellowship, which is an international bible study for Women (though they also have men's groups too).  i am super excited about it!  They meet both Monday nights or Thursday during the day and I chose to go to the evening one so that I can have a night off from bath/bedtime with the girls!  I have only gone to 1 week so far, but I can tell that it is going to be great!  Then, while I was visiting my Aunt, I found out that she does the same group in Yakima!  I knew she was in a bible study, but I had no idea that it was THAT one!  She has been doing it for 7 years!  wow!  It's cool though, because ALL the groups study the same thing every week (this year we are doing Acts of the Apostles), even the groups in Africa and everywhere around the world.  That kinda neat to think about!  And they have online discussion boards about things as we study, and so it would be neat to see the perspective that other people have from different countries!

Our calendar is filling up SO quickly for the rest of this year!  It's amazing how long summer seems to drag on for me (mainly because I hate hot weather!) and then we get to Fall and it seems like the months FLY by until the first of the year!  After Shawn gets back (next Thursday), he will be home for a few days and we will get to go to the pumpkin patch, then he will be back in Yakima for a few days to work for Larry a bit more while he is still gone (he's in China this whole month, I believe) and then he'll come back home, we'll have Halloween and trick or treating with the girls and passing out candy..... and then we'll have a week to clean up from Halloween and switch out the decorations to Thanksgiving, and then I leave for Texas for a week!  Then when I get back, I will have 2 days to cook for Thanksgiving, then we are leaving for the zoo, then we'll have Thanksgiving at his grandparents' house in Camano, and THEN we leave that Saturday for Semihamoo Resort in Blaine for a week (as a family of 4!).  We'll be there for a week, then come home and we'll get to decorate for Christmas, get our tree, finish up Christmas shopping, get our bakin on, and then we'll have to begin our festivities and our traveling so that we can see all of our family at Christmas.  What a couple of BUSY months we have ahead of us!

Hopefully somewhere in there, I will be able to keep up on some blogs!  I have been also keeping myself and the girls busy throughout the week!  Monday's we go to open gym at gymnastics (which they LOVE!), and I also have my bible study that night, Tuesday and Thursday is story time at the library (which we actually haven't done in a while), Wednesday is MOPS, and Friday's is a toddler time class at the YMCA.  We have Saturdays off and then the girls have sunday school at church on Sunday, and then they get to play with Aunt Megan Sunday nights while Shawn and I go to our small group.  So we are all busy!  And that doesn't include our trips to the Y for racquetball in the afternoons!  Shawn and I try to play every day, but during harvest it was hard because he would usually work later.  But the girls LOVE to go to the Y and play in the nursery.  They ask to go EVERY day!  I might have to go workout by myself this week just to get an hour break from them every day and let them have fun in the child care area......! haha

So I believe that's all for now, and I will try to post pictures of the girls soon!  There are a LOT of them!  Have a great rest of the week everyone! :) 


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