Friday, September 23, 2011

September through pictures.....

Alrighty, so here is most of September through pictures....

We went to the Chelan County Fair a few weeks ago and the girls had a blast looking at all the animals!  KaeLee said that was her favorite part! 

They had a Dora cut out..... though the girls didn't really understand to just put their face in the hole..... haha.  Granted the hole WAS a bit big....

Hannah was hilarious and I didn't even need to show her what to do.... she jsut climbed right up there and stuck her head through and that was pretty cool.... haha

We rode the carousel and both the girls loved it, of course!  KaeLee loves to ride horses!! :)

The best I could get of us two.  Certainly not the most attractive by any means, but whatever...

KaeLee and I got to ride the spinning Strawberries!  Her favorite part was when I spun it around really fast!  :)  Though I was feeling a bit dizzy!

We took the girls through the house of mirrors and it was HILARIOUS!!  They were running into the walls like crazy!  HAHA!  It was pretty difficult, even for Shawn and I, but if we let the girls try and lead, it was just too funny.... After the maze part, there were a bunch of those crazy mirrors and KaeLee had a good time with those!  Hannah looked as though she had NO idea what to think!

Too funny!  Shawn's legs look awfully long in the background too.... haha

At the end of the house of mirrors, you had to go down a slide to get out.  Here's KaeLee going down.  Apparently, though, right after she turned the next corner, she ended up upside down and head first.... oops.  Good thing Shawn was at the bottom to catch her.... needless to say the next time we went to the park, it took her a half an hour before she would go down a slide... poor girl!

Rick and Sharon ended up meeting up with us and KaeLee wanted to go see the animals again with them! haha

Grandma Sharon taking rocks out of KaeLee's shoes.  She kept complaining of this, but every time we would stop and take her shoes off, there would be nothing there!?!?!  Though it made her feel better anyway, I guess.

The girls looking at the horses

Hannah with Grandpa Rick

Hannah liked the chickens!  Especially when they Bawked (hmmm..... is that how you would spell that?)

KaeLee liked them too!

Getting up close and personal with the goats!  Much better than being in the stroller!

It's a TURKEY!

I discovered that the girls LOVE corn on the cob.... just like their mama! :) 

Hannah was really gettin into!  haha.  Neither of them wanted to stop eating it!

Going down the slide!

KaeLee has to hang on for dear life!

The girls take a break from the "fair" and play on the playground toys for a bit.  Hannah's first time on a big girls swing.... freaked me out!  Since she has no fear, this could also mean that she could let go at any moment.... uh, scary!

Just being silly at home.... :)

If I ever take Hannah's picture, KaeLee says "my turn!" so here's miss KaeLee as well ;)

Sue and Jon, along with Shawn's aunt and uncle, and some grandparents came over for Shawn and Jon's birthday..... Shawn's grandpa was holding Hannah and Christina was tickeling her arm and it was so funny!  It put Hannah in such a trance and she was literally NOT moving a muscle.... haha

It was most quiet and still I have EVER seen her!  (including while sleeping AND in the womb!) haha

Who needs hair gel when you have YOGURT! 

There were also chunks of a fruit strip stuck to her hair....!  Needless to say, she had to take a shower after breakfast (which she HATED!)  But I think it's been a couple weeks since this day and no yogurt in the hair again.... haha!  (oh, and YES!  I do watch my children while they eat, but I also do other things like clean up the kitchen, put a load of laundry in, vacuum the living room.... so I guess I am not sitting next to her staring at her, but she is always in view and somehow still manages to make a HUGE mess!!  Most of the time it happens when she is all done and I am at the kitchen sink getting the washcloth wet to clean her up..... Her hands go straight to her head and I am in the kitchen, yelling in what seems to be slow motion, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo......!!!!!!!!"  But it's too late.

Silly girl trying to fit in the toy bin

KaeLee too.  Then I wonder why I need to get new ones because they are all stretched out and not really square-shaped anymore..... haha

KaeLee went about a week or two where she was obsessed with ponytails and wanted two in her hair every day.  She hasn't asked for a while now though..... but they ARE cute! :)

Hannah vacuuming like mommy (if you look close enough, you can see the barrett I got in her hair!)  YAY!  Her hair is growing! :)

This picture cracks me up, because she just randomly starting turning over all the chairs......

and it took me back to May of 2010, when KaeLee did this as well..... HAHA!!  It must be the age or something!

It I thought it was pretty funny how they both had turned over 3 things...!  I have been starting to get pictures organized and uploaded for KaeLee's next photo book, so I had just seen this picture and thought of it immediately when I saw Hannah pulling her little trick!  haha

Well, that's all for now...! Last Sunday we went to Yakima for my nephew, Jake's, 3rd birthday party!  I completely forgot my camera at home, so I used my mom's camera and took a few on my phone as well.  We are going BACK to Yakima this Sunday for the Yakima fair (sorry to say, but it is WAY better and bigger than the Chelan fair....!)  So I will steal those pictures this weekend and get them up soon!   I am excited to to share them because KaeLee got some pretty special treatment from her Aunt Cheryl and she took her out in the arena to sit on the horse (two different times!)  Then she went and got a lead rope and held KaeLee while KaeLee got to hold the rope and walk the horse around.  THEN Cheryl took one of her horses out of the arena to the barn area and KaeLee got to BRUSH her!  (oh, my goodness was she EVER excited!) And THEN, Cheryl got out a little saddle and KaeLee got to RIDE her!  I am pretty sure KaeLee was in HEAVEN!  She did not want to get off and when it was finally time to get off, she negotiated with Cheryl and asked for "Two more minutes?"  haha.  It was pretty hilarious!  She did SO good though!  Then Hannah got a turn and absolutely loved it as well!  :)  So I am pretty excited to share those pictures!  I think KaeLee will be wanting to spend a LOT of time over there now.  Which is good, but I will NOT be buying a horse!  The 9 horses or so that Aunt Cheryl has is going to have to be satisfying enough for her..... haha.  Cheryl has so many horses because she does riding lessons for girls (and probably boys....) and I think some of her clients might board their horses with her..... I am not completely sure, but I think so.  Her mom also has a bunch of horses too and I think the horses switch it up sometimes of which place they are at.

When I told KaeLee yesterday that we are going to Yakima this weekend, she said "And ride the horsie?!?!!"  She was a bit disappointed when I said no, but perked up some when I mentioned all the animals at the fair!  :) 

Shawn is still in harvest and still has a couple of weeks left.  They have been working later lately because the weather is finally starting to feel like Fall a bit more and the pickers can pick longer in the cooler weather.  This also means that I have been having longer days with the girls by myself.... ugh!  It's not too bad on "preschool" days, but the other days can feel super long!  Today we get to go to the Y this morning and participate in "tots in motion".  So that will help.  And hopefully we can go the Y this evening and play some racquetball!  We haven't played in a few days now and I am dying to kick some racquetball butt! :) 

Have a great Friday, everyone! :) 


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