Thursday, September 1, 2011

Oh, how I love you, September!

I sit here, listening to nothing but background noise of a restless Hannah who has yet to fall asleep.  KaeLee is asleep, Shawn is on his computer in the bedroom playing a game, and I get to sit down, take a deep breath and sigh a big sigh of relief.  Quiet.  Still.  Dimmed lights.  Clean air smell.  September!  Oh, how I love when September rolls around!  There is rarely another moment throughout the year that brings me such joy!  It is really an overwhelming amount of joy that I can hardly contain inside myself.  Perhaps that is why the screams and whining and bickering amongst the girls today didn't get under my skin.  Or maybe why it wasn't such a bother when I had to sweep the floor, yet again, because my husband tracked mud all through the house.  Or why I didn't mind sitting on the curb for 20 minutes petting a nice neighbor kitty with the girls.  It's SEPTEMBER!!  At this moment, nothing can make me smile more.  I guess you probably just don't realize the degree to which I loathe summer.  Yes, loathe.  It is not to say that I love winter!  I just don't like the "extreme" seasons.  Which is probably why I loved living in Bellingham so much!  73 degrees and overcast all day, every day.  Ah, the life that would be!  Don't get me wrong, I love the sun as much as the next girl, but I love it when it is behind a cloud!!  ;) 

I LOVE the fall!  I can't wait for leaves changing colors!  And I have already begun enjoying the cooler days (a tad cooler..... more like cooler evenings!), the days getting "shorter"! Call me crazy, but I like it when it starts getting dark out earlier!  It means I get tired earlier, go to bed sooner, and therefore, get more sleep! 

This year is our first harvest as well!  Today was the first official day of harvest and Shawn was up and out of the house long before I rolled out of bed!  (Luckily that was because the girls were extremely nice to mommy and got up late this morning! -- I love these morning because I can curl up in my chair and wake up at my own pace and so some reading or web surfing before they get up and ensure their presence is known!.... aka their specialty in being LOUD!) 

Last Friday was Shawn's birthday and we went to dinner at the Wok About with Rick, Sharon and Jen.  We came back to the house and was joined by Megan for some yummy cheesecake, and then Jen and Megan stayed with the girls and put them to bed while the four of us drove up to Mill Bay Casino in Chelan.  It was fun!  Well..... I was having fun!  haha.  I was the only one who won anything!  $30 is all, but hey!  It's better than nothing!  I think the next time Jen is back in town, her and Meg might have to just come back over for an encore! ;) 

Saturday, we went over to Shawn's grandma Cox's house for a family get together/pool party.  And boy!  Was it HOT outside!  I figured out the secret to my weight loss though while there...... just sit out in the 100+ degree weather with capris and a black t-shirt for a few hours!  haha.  I lost a whole 6 pounds in those couple of hours!  Yes, I realize it is only water weight, but it made this girl a happy camper...... for a few days!  Don't worry, it's all back, safe and sound, as cozy as can be, packed in tight on my thighs....! haha.  Maybe one of these days it will actually come off for good.

Sunday, we went to church in the morning, came back home, released some balloons for Holden, and then my parents came over for a visit for Shawn's birthday.  Konner came too.  He started his first day of high school on Monday!  Ah, they grow up so fast, don't they!  haha.  In just 4 years, my parents will be official empty nesters!  It will have only taken them 34 years to get there..... haha!

My cousin, Theresa, just had her baby at 11:58pm on Saturday night!  She has been in the hospital since Thursday (gets to go home tomorrow!) because of really low platelets.  She had pre-eclampsia and was only barely 35 weeks!  It sounds like it was a very rough and very long 3 days until baby Joshua arrived!  When he was born he was having some breathing problems, but they got that taken care of and then Theresa started having some problems with her breathing and had to have a cat scan which showed she was having fluid build up caused by her high blood pressure...... OH MAN!  That poor family has had a rough week!  But I am SO thankful that everything is going well, and everyone has had a fabulous outcome and they get to go home tomorrow to a more comfy and cozy place.  And, hey!  It's September now!!  That atta cheer em up, eh?!?!  ;) 

MOPS starts on the 14th and I am so excited to begin a NEW group for MOMS!!  Shawn thought it is a playgroup for moms and their kids, but I had to explain to him today that it's a MOMS group and the kids are in a "preschool" setting daycare during our 2 hour meeting.  We have speakers that come in and we have a different theme/topic each week.  We are all assigned to a "mature" mom to have available to us as a mentor.  I couldn't be more excited about this.  I have a feeling I will just LOVE it!  I just hope that my mind allows me to be open to meeting new people (not a strong point for myself....) and open to sharing.  I don't usually have a problem sharing deep dark secrets, or "real" feelings to strangers...... it's usually just the people closest to me that I have a problem sharing these things with me.  (That is precisely why I love blogging so much.  So much of what I write is hard for me to share in person with people, but so VERY easy for me to write about!) But knowing that they could potentially become a close friend may mess with my mind and cause me to shut down. 

I think that's it for now.... not that I haven't written enough to keep you busy for a while..... haha!  Bring on the pictures!  :)  Enjoy!

Shawn's Birthday! 

The girl's help Daddy open gifts

I wish this picture wasn't so blurry because I LOVED Hannah's HUGE squeal of pure JOY was so incredibly cute!  She was having so much fun tearing that paper apart, I just can't wait for Christmas to get to watch this again! :)

WOW!!  Look at all the that flame!

Uh oh.... he forgot a few..... HAHA!!  I love those candles!

The girls are ready to go swimming!  We are headed to great grandma's house for a pool party!

Silly girls!

Getting our balloons ready to fly to Heaven and visit baby Holden!  It was his one year in Glory birthday on Sunday and we wanted to do something special to honor Holden (Sarah's baby!) 

There they go!

And there is the last one....... Hannah didn't really want to let go of hers..... hahaha

And this is my cousin, Theresa's new baby!  Joshua.  He was born at 11:58pm Saturday night and was 35 weeks along!  Such a tiny baby! (6 lbs 6 oz) But he looks super tiny here because Jason's (his daddy!) hands are ginormous!  Jason is about 7 feet tall! (okay, more like 6"5", but STILL!) Anyway, I am so happy that the family is doing great and get to go home tomorrow! :) Congratulations Walton family!

I have more pictures from swimming on my phone but need to figure out how to get them off..... haha.  My camera died right after I took the pictures of them in their suits!  Argh!  So stay tuned!


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