Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas: Part 1: Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve:

Poor girls got woken up from their naps on Christmas Eve so that we could make it (sort of) on time to my mom's house.  They had to eat lunch and open their Christmas Eve present(s).  It was only supposed to be one gift, but since we knew what my mom was getting the girls, we had to let them open the gifts that correlated with it so they could bring it with them and play!

They both were pretty excited about opening the gifts.  KaeLee got a lot more into it this year and was able to actually open them without help.  It was fun to watch.  She's getting so big! :(

The girls showing off their new Christmas PJ's

They already opened the play food (hence the banana in KaeLee's mouth), and here is KaeLee pointing to the play dishes and getting pretty excited about them!  I wish I would have taken a picture during the opening of the play food though, because her eyes lit up so fast and she wanted that thing open immediately!! haha

KaeLee digging into the dishes while Hannah just observes...

At my mom's house.... Konner, Hannah and Kory

KaeLee is concentrating hard while reading her new book

The unveiling of the girls' big gift from my parents.  I love how KaeLee is peaking in.  haha

Hannah helps unwrap too, with the help of daddy,  I forgot to take a picture of the final product..... it was a cool kitchen!  And I have to say..... they both LOVE it!  When we got home on Friday afternoon, the first thing they both went to was the kitchen!  Now if only KaeLee will learn how to play WITH Hannah and with the kitchen at the same time.  This whole "mine" thing is super obnoxious!  She has days where everything is "hers" and other days where she plays really good with Hannah and shares super well.  *sigh*.  This too, shall pass.  (right?!?!?!)

KaeLee, Hannah and cousin Jake playing with the stuffed animals that sing really obnoxious, loud Christmas songs...... ;) (it was cute they first time.....but then they would push them all at the same time... I think there are 4 or 5.... and then you wouldn't be able to have a conversation with the person next to you!) ........

Oh, and yes, that is The Christmas Story playing on the television..... a Heilman Christmas Eve tradition is to always have it on...... as they play it for 24 hours!

KaeLee playing with her new kitchen and new friend, Kira (my cousin's friend's daughter....)

Talking away on the phone that came attached to the kitchen
 Hannah's favorite was the play mushroom.... she apparently thought it was a pacifier and used it as such for most of the evening (she is used to only being allowed to have one at bedtime....)

Looking through these pictures, I realize I really didn't get very many good ones!   I may have to look at my mom's camera and see what hers look like. 

We had a great night, then headed back home for some sleep.  Poor girls had to be woken up again the next morning...... :(  Christmas Day Post is soon to follow!


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