Tuesday, October 26, 2010

More Pictures? SURE!

KaeLee reading to her dolly
The following pictures are taken while Hannah has her first "veggie puff".  She really does like them but is not quite sure about the texture of them. It was quite hilarious to watch!

In fact, it was so hilarious, that I had to take a video of it......

Hannah in the jumperoo....

Kinda reminds me of this picture.... (KaeLee at 8 months)

 Hannah and Daddy

Hannah in the candy bin.... we're ready for those trick-or-treaters!

and yes, it probably reminds you of this picture.... (KaeLee last year)

KaeLee wanted to join in too.... I love how Hannah looks like she's licking the candy in this one!  haha

Hope you all are having a great week!  We were supposed to go to the pumpkin patch on Sunday, but that didn't happen.  Then we were going to go today, but that didn't happen.  So the new plan is Saturday.  Yes, the day before Halloween.  So there is no turning back.  This will be the day, whether we are there in the rain, mud, hail or snow.... we WILL be going to the pumpkin patch Saturday!  No excuses! And I will remember the stroller! 

Our realtor is coming tomorrow to take pictures and set the asking price of the house... not looking forward to seeing how much we are going to lose on the house.  And did you know that when you sell your house, it costs about 10% of your sell price?!?!?!  So if we were to sell our house for $200,000 (only by the grace of God would that happen!), it would cost us $20,000!!  Holy Gabooza!!  Very overwhelming.  But it's not like we have much of a choice.  The market is not going to turn around in the next 2 months....bummer. 

Well, I am off to bed.  I am exhausted.  It has been a LONG week already, and only going to get longer.  Vacation starts Monday.  Whoo Hoo.  I am in need of a week away from the house with NO plans whatsoever!  It will be good to relax and hang out by the indoor pool with the girls and go shopping, hang out on the beach (even though it will be freezing!) and find other fun things to do!  Though, sitting around relaxing, sounds best of all!

November 1st is a big day! We officially take over the lease, our house will be officially on the market, Halloween will have just ended, along with all the chaos the holiday brings, and vacation STARTS!  Good night y'all!


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