Yes, Yes, you are seeing it correctly! Two posts in two days? What's going on? haha..... apparently I am just bored at work and don't have any work to do till 7:30, so I thought I would share a piece of my everyday with KaeLee...
So when naptime comes around in our house, here's a small dose of what happens:
Me: Hey KaeLee, you want to go take a nap?
KaeLee: Nap?
Me: Yes, a nap. Are you tired?
KaeLee: Tired?
Me: yes. tired. let's go upstairs and go ni-night for a while. Go find your dollies and we'll go upstairs.
KaeLee: Dolly? Dolly?
Me: Yes, go find your dollies. Where are they?
KaeLee: (Hands out to her side, palms up) Dolly? Where'd da dolly go? Where'd da dolly go?
Me: I don't know, where is she?
KaeLee: (still walking around looking, hands out to her sides and palms up) Where'd da dolly go? I don't know. Where'd it go? (she finds it) Peek-a-boo! There she is! hahahaha
Me: YAY! There's your dolly. Now let's go upstairs....
**By this time, she has gathered about 20 things while walking around searching for her dollies. She then decides to hand them all to me, one by one, including her dollies, then wants "up" (apparently too tired from gathering her belongings to crawl up the stairs on her own....) So I lug her 25 pounds of crap, plus her 50 pound dolly and an almost 20 pound KaeLee up the stairs.**
Me: Let's change your diaper first.
KaeLee: Diaper. Diaper. Diaper. Diaper. Diaper..... (yes, this continues the ENTIRE time I am changing her...)
Me: (intermittenly) Yes. That's a diaper. Yup. We're changing you're diaper. Hey KaeLee, what other words do you know? Oh, diaper? That's a good word. Phew, we're done with that!
Me: Okay, shut the door. (she shuts it) Turn off the light. (she turns it off)
**We put the dollies in the crib, the rest of the crap on the floor, grab her blankie and sit down to rock. She squirms and squirms**
Me: Do you just want to go in your crib? Or do you want to rock?
KaeLee: (whines, whines, whines, squirmy, squirmy, squirmy....)
Me: Okay, let's just lay down. (lay her down, attempt to cover a flaying child) Goodnight KaeLee. I love you.
Me: (shut the door almost all the way)
**Sudden Silence**
Me: (continues downstairs to a now impatient Hannah waiting for me to come back to her)
When I turn the corner into the Living room....
KaeLee: (through the monitor) Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......!!! (I can just picture her throwing her dollies hands up in the air much like we do with her and Hannah) Hi! Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, hahahahahaha, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Happy! Happy! (at this point I know she is "singing" 'if you're happy and you know it, clap you're hands' to her dolly and probably forcing her dollies to clap her hands)
Me: (thinking) Hey, maybe she went to sleep. That was fast.
15 minutes later:
KaeLee: (from the monitor) "SQUEALLLLLL" hahhahahahha. YAY! hahahhaahaha.
Yeah, so much for going to sleep quickly.
Then anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour later, she is finally asleep (after way too much fun in her crib with her dollies!) But I figure, Hey, at least she takes a nap. She is always asleep for at least 2 hours, 3 hours a lot of time. Yesterday, she was in her crib from 12:30 to 4:30. I think it took about a half an hour for her to fall asleep. Wow. I love it!
Of course, there is always the exception and not every day is that predictable.... like this last Tuesday.... she was in her crib for 2 hours... awake the entire time! Apparently she thought the 10 minute nap on the way home from Home Depot was sufficient enough. HA! I finally decided after 2 hours, that being the decent mother I try to be, I should probably feed my child some lunch, seeming how she's tiny already and it probably appears to strangers that I withhold food from her. At least she was happy in her crib the entire time and not at my feet whinning.... haha. She definitely was ready for an early bedtime that night though!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
I can't believe August is almost over???? Where did it go? We have been so busy this month, attempting to get our house ready to sell. Yup. We are selling our house. If you have not heard, I believe I can now officially post it on the blog that we are moving to Wenatchee. Maybe Cashmere. We will see what's available for rent and where. I am not going to lie.... I have mixed emotions about moving. Of course I don't want to leave Moxee. I have lived here my whole life and have never really thought about living anywhere else. That's why, when I met Shawn, I was assured that he was "the one" even more when I found out that he was already looking for jobs in Yakima before he even met me. It was important to me for him to WANT to move over here and not me feeling like I was making him. But there comes a time in life where situations like this have to be re-evaluated and making a decision that is best for our immediate family is a very tough one.
I am moving with a positive mindset and am trying to stay hopeful. I am not good with new situations, new people, new places, and well.... everything new. Definitely out of my comfort zone. But as a family, we have decided that this could be the best option for us. Situations and circumstances change when we least expect them and so we never know when another one will come up. Perhaps someday Shawn will have some amazing opportunity in China (Dear Lord.... I was just joking, please keep us in the United States. I could not bear to live in another country.....surely you know this....!) We have been praying about this decision and we will continue to pray for God's guidance as I may have a period of depression.
The girls are doing amazing! KaeLee has finally gotten teeth buds! They are not all the way in yet, but her two front teeth are poking through! (No April fools this time!) She is getting SO big and we are loving every minute of watching her grow! She is reading so much (we can't understand what she's saying, but she does have the right rythm as when I read to her...!) She is super smart! Yes, I did attempt to potty train her for a couple of days.... I wrote a journal about that during the day.... I will insert it at the end of the blog for you to see why I stopped. I'm thinking she is ready, but after a trial run, I'm not sure that I am ready. It would just be SO much easier to try again once Hannah is crawling or even walking, so I don't have to throw her down on the ground and run for KaeLee when she starts to pee in her panties...... poor Hannah. I don't think she enjoyed those two days either..... haha. KaeLee goes into the doctor on Tuesday for her 18 month appointment (only a month late...) and we are excited to see if she is over 20 pounds yet so we can turn her around!
Hannah is getting SUPER big as well! She is over 16 pounds now! WOW! She is doing super good at sitting up by herself and she just loves life. She has become a little clingy to me lately but we remember KaeLee going through that as well. Now KaeLee is attached to Shawn and is a true Daddy's girl. We both go in her room to get her up in the morning and she reaches for Shawn every time. Thanks KaeLee. Whatever. You just remember that Mommy never forgets these things..... muahahahaha! ;) We will be trying Hannah on solids sometime next week. I think she is more than ready! She goes at all of our food with her mouth wide open and her arms a-flappin! She cracks us up! Shawn only has 4 more days before he thought she would start crawling, so he better get training.... haha! She getting closer, but it's still gonna need another month.
Shawn's birthday was yesterday and he got off early which was a great surprise! We went out to dinner and came back to the house for cheesecake. It was a pretty good day, I think. I pre-ordered the Move Sports Bundle for the playstation 3 and I think he's pretty excited for it. Not that he can use it yet. It doesn't come out for another couple of weeks.
I have not been feeling all that great this week. I have had a fever since Wednesday, off and on. Not sure what's going on. When I think I should probably call into work for tomorrow, then I start feeling okay. Then I get up and get all dizzy and lightheaded and think again. But now it's too late to call in without me feeling really guilty, so I will have to try and tough it out tomorrow. I have an added sore throat today. Ugh. And we have a wedding to go to tonight. I WAS looking forward to it, but now, not so sure......
Anyway, I need to get going. I have a few things left to do before the girls get up from nap (which should have already happened by now....?) I will talk to you all later....
KaeLee's Potty Training Journal:
Night One of Potty Training:
Monday, August 16, 2010
I started potty training tonight with KaeLee. I put her in her new big girl panties instead of diapers. The first time she went potty, it was a huge puddle on the kitchen floor and she start freaking out since she does not like to be ‘wet’. I quickly put her on the potty chair and explained to her that pee goes in the potty chair. After my attempt of trying to tear wet panties off of her quickly in an attempt to get some of the pee in the chair, I decided to let her go commando and be bare-bottomed. I gave her lots of fluids and she drank an entire pediasure and a half and almost her whole sippy cup of water. Now I just had to wait. I could tell a few different times that she needed to go because she would whine and dance a little and want up. So I would take her over to her chair, but nothing. I continuely tried to put her on her chair for a few minutes each time to get her to go, but no luck. Then, while playing with Hannah on the floor, with KaeLee nearby, I heard a grunt, only to look up and see her in mid-poop. Literally with half a terd hanging out of her. Haha. I ran over, shouting, “wait! Wait!” Scooped her up and whisked her over to the potty chair, only to have the poop fall out onto the kitchen floor on the way. However, she DID finish going poop on the potty chair! Whoo-Hoo! She was super excited to see it and proud of herself, but was quite concerned about her dirty bottom. She kept saying “wipe! Wipe! Wipe! Wipe” Over and over again. Yes KaeLee, mommy will wipe your butt.
I continued with the no-panties thinking she has GOT to go soon, seeming how she drank nearly a half gallon of fluids! 4 hours after having drunken all these fluids, I decided that she needs panties on her. Knowing full well at this point, that she is going to go pee as soon as those panties get on her, but I couldn’t take it. It was become a concern of health, her holding her pee that long! So the panties went on, I started getting her dinner ready and watching her. And yes, within a couple of minutes, she started to pee, but she stopped herself as soon as she felt it on her. I put her on the potty, reassuring her it’s okay and trying to explain, once again, that the pee pee goes in the potty. Well, she didn’t finish going. She has holding it.
*Sigh* So I am not sure how to get her to relax on the potty and let her know it’s okay to pee in the potty. Apparently she doesn’t have a problem pooping in it, but peeing is another story. Usually, from what I have heard from other moms, it is the pooping in the toilet that their kids have the problem with.
Potty Training Continues, Day 2! (well, 1 ½)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
KaeLee is down for her nap. This morning has been pretty unsuccessful. I am pretty stumped in what direction to go in. With panties on, or bare naked…..
I started with panties on and every time she went, she would whine and say ewww…… so I would hurry to the potty chair, knowing that she was not done peeing. But she would not finish going in the potty chair. Hmmm…… so I took the panties off again like I did last night, knowing full well that she will try to hold it. But she didn’t. She started to go, and the second she felt it trickling down her leg, she would stop and run to me, half-crying. So I would run and put her on the toilet, being way too excited and we would wait. And wait. And wait. She would not finish peeing on the toilet. Ugh. So after sitting on the toilet for 5 minutes, she got up and continued playing. 3 minutes later, she would start trickling and did the same thing. Frustrating. By this time, it was 11:15 and just about time for bed, so I took her upstairs, put a diaper on her and put her down for a nap. I am sure that when I get her up from nap, her diaper will be soaked.
It is tough stuff, but I will continue to push through and hopefully she will at least go potty in her chair at some point today. Shawn suggested that I get on the potty chair on go potty in it myself. Haha. That’s a picture that will surely stay with you for a while. Haha. For one, I am pretty sure my big butt won’t fit on her little chair and , two, I know for a fact I cannot squat down that close to the ground without falling over onto my face! Haha. We will see how it goes and will see if desperate times call for desperate measures. Haha.
After a 3 ½ hour nap, round 2 begins
Diaper went back on.
She started going pee in her panties and started to run towards me.... then she slipped in her own pee and fell flat on her face on the kitchen floor. My poor girl. I felt super bad and decided we'd be done for the day.
The next day
KaeLee came over and grabbed her diaper and said "eeeewwwwww!!!" So I went and changed her and sure enough she was poopy. A few minutes later, she came over and said "eeeewwwyy eeeewwwyy eeewwwyy!!!) I changed her again, she was wet. About 10 minutes later, she came over and kept saying "potty. potty. potty." Then I looked down (I was feeding Hannah in the chair) and she is holding her diaper out to me and it is full of pee. Yup KaeLee, you went potty. Too bad it was in your diaper and not your potty chair! She was wearing a dress, which enabled her to take her diaper off..... so we will see where this takes her.
I'm not not I have the patience just yet for this. Or if I am quite ready to tackle this hurdle. Time will tell, I suppose.
I am moving with a positive mindset and am trying to stay hopeful. I am not good with new situations, new people, new places, and well.... everything new. Definitely out of my comfort zone. But as a family, we have decided that this could be the best option for us. Situations and circumstances change when we least expect them and so we never know when another one will come up. Perhaps someday Shawn will have some amazing opportunity in China (Dear Lord.... I was just joking, please keep us in the United States. I could not bear to live in another country.....surely you know this....!) We have been praying about this decision and we will continue to pray for God's guidance as I may have a period of depression.
The girls are doing amazing! KaeLee has finally gotten teeth buds! They are not all the way in yet, but her two front teeth are poking through! (No April fools this time!) She is getting SO big and we are loving every minute of watching her grow! She is reading so much (we can't understand what she's saying, but she does have the right rythm as when I read to her...!) She is super smart! Yes, I did attempt to potty train her for a couple of days.... I wrote a journal about that during the day.... I will insert it at the end of the blog for you to see why I stopped. I'm thinking she is ready, but after a trial run, I'm not sure that I am ready. It would just be SO much easier to try again once Hannah is crawling or even walking, so I don't have to throw her down on the ground and run for KaeLee when she starts to pee in her panties...... poor Hannah. I don't think she enjoyed those two days either..... haha. KaeLee goes into the doctor on Tuesday for her 18 month appointment (only a month late...) and we are excited to see if she is over 20 pounds yet so we can turn her around!
Hannah is getting SUPER big as well! She is over 16 pounds now! WOW! She is doing super good at sitting up by herself and she just loves life. She has become a little clingy to me lately but we remember KaeLee going through that as well. Now KaeLee is attached to Shawn and is a true Daddy's girl. We both go in her room to get her up in the morning and she reaches for Shawn every time. Thanks KaeLee. Whatever. You just remember that Mommy never forgets these things..... muahahahaha! ;) We will be trying Hannah on solids sometime next week. I think she is more than ready! She goes at all of our food with her mouth wide open and her arms a-flappin! She cracks us up! Shawn only has 4 more days before he thought she would start crawling, so he better get training.... haha! She getting closer, but it's still gonna need another month.
Shawn's birthday was yesterday and he got off early which was a great surprise! We went out to dinner and came back to the house for cheesecake. It was a pretty good day, I think. I pre-ordered the Move Sports Bundle for the playstation 3 and I think he's pretty excited for it. Not that he can use it yet. It doesn't come out for another couple of weeks.
I have not been feeling all that great this week. I have had a fever since Wednesday, off and on. Not sure what's going on. When I think I should probably call into work for tomorrow, then I start feeling okay. Then I get up and get all dizzy and lightheaded and think again. But now it's too late to call in without me feeling really guilty, so I will have to try and tough it out tomorrow. I have an added sore throat today. Ugh. And we have a wedding to go to tonight. I WAS looking forward to it, but now, not so sure......
Anyway, I need to get going. I have a few things left to do before the girls get up from nap (which should have already happened by now....?) I will talk to you all later....
KaeLee's Potty Training Journal:
Night One of Potty Training:
Monday, August 16, 2010
I started potty training tonight with KaeLee. I put her in her new big girl panties instead of diapers. The first time she went potty, it was a huge puddle on the kitchen floor and she start freaking out since she does not like to be ‘wet’. I quickly put her on the potty chair and explained to her that pee goes in the potty chair. After my attempt of trying to tear wet panties off of her quickly in an attempt to get some of the pee in the chair, I decided to let her go commando and be bare-bottomed. I gave her lots of fluids and she drank an entire pediasure and a half and almost her whole sippy cup of water. Now I just had to wait. I could tell a few different times that she needed to go because she would whine and dance a little and want up. So I would take her over to her chair, but nothing. I continuely tried to put her on her chair for a few minutes each time to get her to go, but no luck. Then, while playing with Hannah on the floor, with KaeLee nearby, I heard a grunt, only to look up and see her in mid-poop. Literally with half a terd hanging out of her. Haha. I ran over, shouting, “wait! Wait!” Scooped her up and whisked her over to the potty chair, only to have the poop fall out onto the kitchen floor on the way. However, she DID finish going poop on the potty chair! Whoo-Hoo! She was super excited to see it and proud of herself, but was quite concerned about her dirty bottom. She kept saying “wipe! Wipe! Wipe! Wipe” Over and over again. Yes KaeLee, mommy will wipe your butt.
I continued with the no-panties thinking she has GOT to go soon, seeming how she drank nearly a half gallon of fluids! 4 hours after having drunken all these fluids, I decided that she needs panties on her. Knowing full well at this point, that she is going to go pee as soon as those panties get on her, but I couldn’t take it. It was become a concern of health, her holding her pee that long! So the panties went on, I started getting her dinner ready and watching her. And yes, within a couple of minutes, she started to pee, but she stopped herself as soon as she felt it on her. I put her on the potty, reassuring her it’s okay and trying to explain, once again, that the pee pee goes in the potty. Well, she didn’t finish going. She has holding it.
*Sigh* So I am not sure how to get her to relax on the potty and let her know it’s okay to pee in the potty. Apparently she doesn’t have a problem pooping in it, but peeing is another story. Usually, from what I have heard from other moms, it is the pooping in the toilet that their kids have the problem with.
Potty Training Continues, Day 2! (well, 1 ½)
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
KaeLee is down for her nap. This morning has been pretty unsuccessful. I am pretty stumped in what direction to go in. With panties on, or bare naked…..
I started with panties on and every time she went, she would whine and say ewww…… so I would hurry to the potty chair, knowing that she was not done peeing. But she would not finish going in the potty chair. Hmmm…… so I took the panties off again like I did last night, knowing full well that she will try to hold it. But she didn’t. She started to go, and the second she felt it trickling down her leg, she would stop and run to me, half-crying. So I would run and put her on the toilet, being way too excited and we would wait. And wait. And wait. She would not finish peeing on the toilet. Ugh. So after sitting on the toilet for 5 minutes, she got up and continued playing. 3 minutes later, she would start trickling and did the same thing. Frustrating. By this time, it was 11:15 and just about time for bed, so I took her upstairs, put a diaper on her and put her down for a nap. I am sure that when I get her up from nap, her diaper will be soaked.
It is tough stuff, but I will continue to push through and hopefully she will at least go potty in her chair at some point today. Shawn suggested that I get on the potty chair on go potty in it myself. Haha. That’s a picture that will surely stay with you for a while. Haha. For one, I am pretty sure my big butt won’t fit on her little chair and , two, I know for a fact I cannot squat down that close to the ground without falling over onto my face! Haha. We will see how it goes and will see if desperate times call for desperate measures. Haha.
After a 3 ½ hour nap, round 2 begins
Diaper went back on.
She started going pee in her panties and started to run towards me.... then she slipped in her own pee and fell flat on her face on the kitchen floor. My poor girl. I felt super bad and decided we'd be done for the day.
The next day
KaeLee came over and grabbed her diaper and said "eeeewwwwww!!!" So I went and changed her and sure enough she was poopy. A few minutes later, she came over and said "eeeewwwyy eeeewwwyy eeewwwyy!!!) I changed her again, she was wet. About 10 minutes later, she came over and kept saying "potty. potty. potty." Then I looked down (I was feeding Hannah in the chair) and she is holding her diaper out to me and it is full of pee. Yup KaeLee, you went potty. Too bad it was in your diaper and not your potty chair! She was wearing a dress, which enabled her to take her diaper off..... so we will see where this takes her.
I'm not not I have the patience just yet for this. Or if I am quite ready to tackle this hurdle. Time will tell, I suppose.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Moving moving moving.....!
Hannah is moving all over the place. Not crawling yet, but she can scoot backwards, roll around and turn in circles. She has definitely figured out how to interact more with KaeLee! She's so stinkin cute. haha. I don't really have time to write an entire blog, but I wanted to let everyone know how mobile Hannah is becoming! I will try to write soon!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
So proud of KaeLee!
Well, as you can see by all the pictures from the last post..... we have been busy but having lots of fun! This summer really has been a lot of fun and I think that the older the girls get, the more fun they are going to be! Yay! This last week was another busy one. KaeLee went to the Dentist on Thursday. He said everything looks fine, the teeth are just taking their sweet time! And actually, that morning, I could feel the top two front teeth trying to poke through. It hasn't made much progress since Thursday, but hopefully AT LEAST by the end of this month, she will have a real tooth!
Thursday night we went to dinner with everyone for Kory's "farewell" dinner. He leaves today to go back to WSU. I think he's way too excited about it. haha. Last night we went out to dinner for my dad's 50th birthday. There were probably about 30 Beaudrys there. It was pretty fun and nice to catch up with everyone. Except I knew better than to go to the same place where my sister Deanne is without getting my eyebrows waxed..... oops. I got another small lecture from her. haha. She is the eyebrow nazi. My other sister, Nikki, is pregnant and due November 11th. They both got sitters for their kids.... we came with both in tow. Owell. They were a big hit of course. KaeLee had everyone cracking up and Hannah just never stopped smiling or jumping. I think she enjoyed being passed around and using everyone as a trampoline! She loves to jump, that's for sure. She refuses to sit still. haha.
Today Shawn is going up to Cashmere to see his dad, Sharon and Ernie and Loretta. He is taking both girls. Hopefully they get some sleep in the car at least and aren't too cranky for everyone up there. I didn't pre-pack the diaper bag for him this time. We'll see how many times he calls me this morning to find things.... haha
Hannah is trying and trying and trying to crawl. I think it'll be pretty soon. Shawn said by the end of the month, I say no way, but by the end of September for sure. Mid September is my guess. I also think she will be walking by Christmas. We'll have to see. I think she's pretty anxious to start chasing after KaeLee though. She is happiest when KaeLee is playing with her or she can at least see her and watch her play. She is often straining her neck trying to look for her. She's just so darn cute!
And if you haven't noticed the very first picture..... Yes! KaeLee went number 2 on the potty chair! I saw her starting to grunt, so I said, "No! Wait!! And I ripped her pants and diaper off and sat her down. She was so proud when she saw it! It was pretty funny. And she got to use the "big girl" wipes. haha. Not sure when this will ever happen again, but she did do it! Some people may think this is totally disgusting that I would take a picture of this, but it is a very big milestone and must be documented! haha. And yes, I just might turn this picture into the yearbook her senior year of high school...... :) We'll see how much of a bratty teenager she gets to be first.... haha.
Shawn and I are still both working away. I don't know about Shawn, but I am super annoyed with my job! I hate politics and drama and the hospital is FULL of them! One girl, who has only been there a month, put her two week notice in because she found a different job. Instead of management saying, "I'm sorry it didn't work out for ya" they say "No, no, don't go..... here, let's give you a raise, full time status, and hey! Why not just be a supervisor?!!?!" Yup, that's right. Supervisor after a month of being there just because she put her two weeks in. Oh, and did I mention that this is the first job she's ever had? Yup. Sure is. She is probably 4or 5 years younger than me, I believe. Oh, I so angry when I found this out! I should have tried this stunt right after I was hired! I wrote kind of an angry email to my supervisor, her supervisor and her supervisor. No replies yet. I'm just tired of this place... Ugh.
Anyway, Shawn and I are sprucing up the house. Every room. I have a list started, but I am trying to take it one room at a time. So far, the Dining room is almost done. New curtains, new wall art, new tablecloth, placemats, centerpiece and other decorations. I am getting a new chandelier from a guy on Craigslist..... which reminds me that I need to call him today.... Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it. It looks good.
We bought panties for KaeLee yesterday and starting Tuesday, I am going to put her in them and nothing else...... we will officially give potty training a trial run. We have 4 days to get her to use the potty. I will still put a diaper on her overnight I'm sure, but I think she may be ready to be potty trained. I guess we will find out! I am super nervous about it and not really looking forward to it! I kind of want to wait one more week....
Well, that's about it. I guess I should get back to work now.... not that I have anything to do for another half an hour..... I will talk to you all again soon. Hopefully sooner rather than later! Have a great week everyone!
Thursday night we went to dinner with everyone for Kory's "farewell" dinner. He leaves today to go back to WSU. I think he's way too excited about it. haha. Last night we went out to dinner for my dad's 50th birthday. There were probably about 30 Beaudrys there. It was pretty fun and nice to catch up with everyone. Except I knew better than to go to the same place where my sister Deanne is without getting my eyebrows waxed..... oops. I got another small lecture from her. haha. She is the eyebrow nazi. My other sister, Nikki, is pregnant and due November 11th. They both got sitters for their kids.... we came with both in tow. Owell. They were a big hit of course. KaeLee had everyone cracking up and Hannah just never stopped smiling or jumping. I think she enjoyed being passed around and using everyone as a trampoline! She loves to jump, that's for sure. She refuses to sit still. haha.
Today Shawn is going up to Cashmere to see his dad, Sharon and Ernie and Loretta. He is taking both girls. Hopefully they get some sleep in the car at least and aren't too cranky for everyone up there. I didn't pre-pack the diaper bag for him this time. We'll see how many times he calls me this morning to find things.... haha
Hannah is trying and trying and trying to crawl. I think it'll be pretty soon. Shawn said by the end of the month, I say no way, but by the end of September for sure. Mid September is my guess. I also think she will be walking by Christmas. We'll have to see. I think she's pretty anxious to start chasing after KaeLee though. She is happiest when KaeLee is playing with her or she can at least see her and watch her play. She is often straining her neck trying to look for her. She's just so darn cute!
And if you haven't noticed the very first picture..... Yes! KaeLee went number 2 on the potty chair! I saw her starting to grunt, so I said, "No! Wait!! And I ripped her pants and diaper off and sat her down. She was so proud when she saw it! It was pretty funny. And she got to use the "big girl" wipes. haha. Not sure when this will ever happen again, but she did do it! Some people may think this is totally disgusting that I would take a picture of this, but it is a very big milestone and must be documented! haha. And yes, I just might turn this picture into the yearbook her senior year of high school...... :) We'll see how much of a bratty teenager she gets to be first.... haha.
Shawn and I are still both working away. I don't know about Shawn, but I am super annoyed with my job! I hate politics and drama and the hospital is FULL of them! One girl, who has only been there a month, put her two week notice in because she found a different job. Instead of management saying, "I'm sorry it didn't work out for ya" they say "No, no, don't go..... here, let's give you a raise, full time status, and hey! Why not just be a supervisor?!!?!" Yup, that's right. Supervisor after a month of being there just because she put her two weeks in. Oh, and did I mention that this is the first job she's ever had? Yup. Sure is. She is probably 4or 5 years younger than me, I believe. Oh, I so angry when I found this out! I should have tried this stunt right after I was hired! I wrote kind of an angry email to my supervisor, her supervisor and her supervisor. No replies yet. I'm just tired of this place... Ugh.
Anyway, Shawn and I are sprucing up the house. Every room. I have a list started, but I am trying to take it one room at a time. So far, the Dining room is almost done. New curtains, new wall art, new tablecloth, placemats, centerpiece and other decorations. I am getting a new chandelier from a guy on Craigslist..... which reminds me that I need to call him today.... Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it. It looks good.
We bought panties for KaeLee yesterday and starting Tuesday, I am going to put her in them and nothing else...... we will officially give potty training a trial run. We have 4 days to get her to use the potty. I will still put a diaper on her overnight I'm sure, but I think she may be ready to be potty trained. I guess we will find out! I am super nervous about it and not really looking forward to it! I kind of want to wait one more week....
Well, that's about it. I guess I should get back to work now.... not that I have anything to do for another half an hour..... I will talk to you all again soon. Hopefully sooner rather than later! Have a great week everyone!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
FINALLY!! Some new pictures!
YES!! That IS what you think it is.... haha!!

Naked Butt!

This is what they look like in the morning.... haha

KaeLee draggin Grandpa and Great Grandpa around at the Hop Festival

Another Happy Hannah!

Daddy and KaeLee on a tractor at the Hop Festival

Great Grandpa Heilman and KaeLee at the Hop Festival

KaeLee was enjoying playing with her cousin Layla and loved that big ball!

I was getting "the look" from KaeLee during this photo.....

"Hi Mom!"

Happy Hannah gets a kiss from Grandma Beaudry

Shawn hits a good one during the Beaudry Softball game

KaeLee at the Beaudry family reunion

The four of us watching the parade

The dancing horse at the parade

Hannah at the parade

The East Valley Royalty Float

The girls at the Hop Festival Parade

Kory pushing KaeLee in Auntie and Uncle Milo's little car

The girls getting ready for a walk

Hannah loves to sit up and play with her toys

Our usual happy Hannah

KaeLee drug Shawn and Kory over to sit on the stairs and then plopped herself right in bewtween them.... she's pretty bossy.

KaeLee enjoying a popscicle on a hot summer day....
Naked Butt!
This is what they look like in the morning.... haha
KaeLee draggin Grandpa and Great Grandpa around at the Hop Festival
Another Happy Hannah!
Daddy and KaeLee on a tractor at the Hop Festival
Great Grandpa Heilman and KaeLee at the Hop Festival
KaeLee was enjoying playing with her cousin Layla and loved that big ball!
I was getting "the look" from KaeLee during this photo.....
"Hi Mom!"
Happy Hannah gets a kiss from Grandma Beaudry
Shawn hits a good one during the Beaudry Softball game
KaeLee at the Beaudry family reunion
The four of us watching the parade
The dancing horse at the parade
Hannah at the parade
The East Valley Royalty Float
The girls at the Hop Festival Parade
Kory pushing KaeLee in Auntie and Uncle Milo's little car
The girls getting ready for a walk
Hannah loves to sit up and play with her toys
Our usual happy Hannah
KaeLee drug Shawn and Kory over to sit on the stairs and then plopped herself right in bewtween them.... she's pretty bossy.
KaeLee enjoying a popscicle on a hot summer day....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Summer is just FLYING by!!
I didn't realize how long it has been since my last post.... sorry about that! The last 2 weeks have been so busy! Let's see...... we had playgroup last Wednesday (the 21st). Great turn out. Except KaeLee was way out number since there were only other boys there! But she had lots of fun and is getting better at sharing her toys!
Thursday (the 22nd) was my parents' 21st anniversary. I asked them what they did for it and they said they went to dinner with Kory and Konner and then went down to legends for a bit with Kory. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I have always assumed that an anniversary is between the married couple and not the kids...... haha. Sorry boys! Guess mom and dad don't think you're ready to stay at home by yourselves yet.... haha.
I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday (the 24th), Bud and Joann came down to visit on Saturday and stuck around till I got off work so we could go out to a late lunch. It was great to see them! Friday night, Shawn put his truck up on Craigslist and on Saturday, someone came out to look at it and they came back on Sunday to buy it! WOW!! So last Monday, we went van shopping and after Shawn did a lot of homework on all the available vans around here, we ended up buying a van last night! Whoo-Hoo!! We didn't want another car payment so we bought a little older van with a little higher miles, but we are super excited about it and got a great deal! It's a 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan with 77,000 miles. Shawn switched over the car, so he is now the driver of the car and the van is MINE! Whoo-Hoo! I feel so old now! And I feel like an official mom!
KaeLee is being very clingy lately and want to be held a lot and have one on one play time with her. She likes to take you by the finger and drag you around and follow her. She is getting super cute! If she finds a piece of garbage or I am eating a fruit snack or whatever, she will grab the wrapper and grab my finger, and walk me to the garbage to throw it away! It's so funny! She does it as soon as we get home too and I take her shoes off.... she has to walk me to the closet so I can open it for her and she can put them away right away. Now only if she would do that with her toys after she's done playing with them....!!
KaeLee is officially 18 months now! She is now closer to 2 years old instead of 1 year old! She is getting so big. however, she still does not have a single tooth yet! Poor thing! She doesn't go to the doctor for her 18 month checkup until August 31st though. I weighed her twice and one time it said 10 pounds exactly, then the other time it said 19.4 pounds. Hmmm.... so we're not turning her around in her carseat quite yet. She needs to be 20 pounds, but I want to make sure she is consistently 20 pounds, so I may wait till she is closer to 25 pounds. At this rate, it won't happen till she is about 3 years old! Haha. Oh yeah, and still no teeth. Not that surprising, at this point! One the little boys at playgroup last week did not get his first tooth till sometime between 17 and 18 months, so even though she has already passed him up, it's nice to hear of people not getting them till they are older! Though, my cousin just had to scare me last week! She was telling me that she had a friend who's son didn't have any teeth and at about 20 months, she finally went to the dentist about it. It turned out that he has all his teeth, but his gums had gotten so hard and strong that the teeth couldn't break through them to pop up. He had to had surgery on his gums to soften them or something so his teeth could pop through. This worries me because we have been able to "see" the teeth in her gums for forever now and she has been acting like she has been really hurting and teething for the last month or so (probably longer, really...) and they don't seem to be getting any closer to popping out. I know that this whole gum issue is VERY rare, but it still worries me. So I am anxiously waiting for her doctor's appointment to ask the doctor about it again. I may even call the dentist to see what they say about it. But they will just want to give her x-rays and stuff and I'm not sure that it is quite neccesary yet. I don't want to torture her with that quite yet if I don't need to.
Anyway, KaeLee is talking away. She has added many more words to her vocabulary, although Shawn and I are the only ones who understand most of them.... haha. She still needs to work on her pronunciation! But I'm sure once she gets teeth, it will be easier for her! She is saying words more clearly now though. One of her new words is 'Elmo'. It's super cute! She sits and reads books to her dollies (and even to Hannah lately) and she reads sesame street books and says "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Elmo, blah, blah, blah" and it's cute!
Hannah is rolling all over the place and she is quite the mover! She is also doing super good at sitting up by herself! She loves to sit up and look at everything going around her (mainly KaeLee) I put the boppy pillow around her and she just plays away. It's cute. She's growing so fast! I weighed her the other day and she was 15 1/2 pounds! So she's only about 4 pounds behind KaeLee! Haha! I just started Hannah on size 4 diapers! She and KaeLee are now wearing the same size! Hannah could probably wear 3's for a little while longer, but it's hard to tell 3's from 4's in the diaper bag when I am trying to just grab one of their diapers out. Maybe if they made the different sizes different colors, it would be a little easier! Urgh!
Hannah has been sleeping fabulously through the night lately! For a while there, she was getting up again every 2-3 hours, but I think it's because she was going through a growth spurt. This week, she has been sleeping about 7 hours in a row or more! Last night, she went to sleep at 9, got up at 1:30 to eat and went right back to sleep and it's 9:00 now and she's still sleeping! WOW!! I LOVE it! She is definitely starting to show her personality more and more! And she is officially the happiest baby and easiest baby to get a smile out of! But I think she also pukes more than any other baby I know! But she keeps growing, so I guess she must be keeping enough food in her.... I don't know how that's at all possible though with how much she throws up!
This last weekend, my cousins from Montana and their boys came out, so we went over to my Aunt's house Friday night and went swimming and had a BBQ. It was fun. KaeLee loves swimming now. And Shawn has decided he wants a pool. He took KaeLee in the water (I did not go since I was late getting there from work) and he LOVES it!
This was the first Saturday and Sunday that Shawn and I were by ourselves in about 4 months. It seems like every weekend since 2 weekends before Memorial Weekend we have had something to do, somewhere to go or someone coming to visit!! It's been super busy this summer! But I still didn't feel like I was home at all this weekend because I had to work, and then I am housesitting my parent's house while they are at the beach, and letting the dogs out and such. So I would go over there in the morning before work, then after work, then come home and relax for a bit, make dinner, put the girls to bed then go back over there for a while. They get back today though. Yesterday was Konner's birthday. They weren't here to celebrate, so we'll probably go over there tonight. Yesterday, Larry and Lori Ward stopped by on their way home from the family reuninon in California (which we didn't get to go to...) :( It was nice to see them, even though they weren't able to stay long. I didn't get to see them the other weekend when Shawn went up to Cashmere, so I was happy they stopped by! Rick, Sharon and the girls are stopping by today on their way back from it. Then tomorrow, we have playgroup and I have a dentist appointmetn (YUCK!) Then Thursday, my cousin will be in town!! Whoo-Hoo! I'm excited to get to see her! She has a son and two girls. Her girls are about 12 or 13 months apart also. I haven't seem them in probably 5 years or so! They live in..... Ocean Shores? or something like that. They just moved recently from the Bellingham area. Or maybe it was Bellvue? Hmmm..... I don't remember. Anyway, I'm excited to see them. Then Friday, the hop festival begins! YAY!! I work till 6:30, but we will probably walk down there Friday night for a bit. Then Saturday is going to be the busiest day YET! We are going to the parade in the morning, then we will come back for a nap, then we have a family reunion for the Beaudry side of the family and then Lindsay's daughter, Kalli, has her 1st brithday party that we want to try and go to! It's going to be SUPER busy! I thankfully got the day off! I am most excited about the parade. I think KaeLee will really like it.
I'm sure that more has happened since I wrote last, but my mind is going blank. Anyway, I know I have more pictures and I will have to post them soon! But for, now I am off.... have a great rest of the week!
Thursday (the 22nd) was my parents' 21st anniversary. I asked them what they did for it and they said they went to dinner with Kory and Konner and then went down to legends for a bit with Kory. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I have always assumed that an anniversary is between the married couple and not the kids...... haha. Sorry boys! Guess mom and dad don't think you're ready to stay at home by yourselves yet.... haha.
I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday (the 24th), Bud and Joann came down to visit on Saturday and stuck around till I got off work so we could go out to a late lunch. It was great to see them! Friday night, Shawn put his truck up on Craigslist and on Saturday, someone came out to look at it and they came back on Sunday to buy it! WOW!! So last Monday, we went van shopping and after Shawn did a lot of homework on all the available vans around here, we ended up buying a van last night! Whoo-Hoo!! We didn't want another car payment so we bought a little older van with a little higher miles, but we are super excited about it and got a great deal! It's a 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan with 77,000 miles. Shawn switched over the car, so he is now the driver of the car and the van is MINE! Whoo-Hoo! I feel so old now! And I feel like an official mom!
KaeLee is being very clingy lately and want to be held a lot and have one on one play time with her. She likes to take you by the finger and drag you around and follow her. She is getting super cute! If she finds a piece of garbage or I am eating a fruit snack or whatever, she will grab the wrapper and grab my finger, and walk me to the garbage to throw it away! It's so funny! She does it as soon as we get home too and I take her shoes off.... she has to walk me to the closet so I can open it for her and she can put them away right away. Now only if she would do that with her toys after she's done playing with them....!!
KaeLee is officially 18 months now! She is now closer to 2 years old instead of 1 year old! She is getting so big. however, she still does not have a single tooth yet! Poor thing! She doesn't go to the doctor for her 18 month checkup until August 31st though. I weighed her twice and one time it said 10 pounds exactly, then the other time it said 19.4 pounds. Hmmm.... so we're not turning her around in her carseat quite yet. She needs to be 20 pounds, but I want to make sure she is consistently 20 pounds, so I may wait till she is closer to 25 pounds. At this rate, it won't happen till she is about 3 years old! Haha. Oh yeah, and still no teeth. Not that surprising, at this point! One the little boys at playgroup last week did not get his first tooth till sometime between 17 and 18 months, so even though she has already passed him up, it's nice to hear of people not getting them till they are older! Though, my cousin just had to scare me last week! She was telling me that she had a friend who's son didn't have any teeth and at about 20 months, she finally went to the dentist about it. It turned out that he has all his teeth, but his gums had gotten so hard and strong that the teeth couldn't break through them to pop up. He had to had surgery on his gums to soften them or something so his teeth could pop through. This worries me because we have been able to "see" the teeth in her gums for forever now and she has been acting like she has been really hurting and teething for the last month or so (probably longer, really...) and they don't seem to be getting any closer to popping out. I know that this whole gum issue is VERY rare, but it still worries me. So I am anxiously waiting for her doctor's appointment to ask the doctor about it again. I may even call the dentist to see what they say about it. But they will just want to give her x-rays and stuff and I'm not sure that it is quite neccesary yet. I don't want to torture her with that quite yet if I don't need to.
Anyway, KaeLee is talking away. She has added many more words to her vocabulary, although Shawn and I are the only ones who understand most of them.... haha. She still needs to work on her pronunciation! But I'm sure once she gets teeth, it will be easier for her! She is saying words more clearly now though. One of her new words is 'Elmo'. It's super cute! She sits and reads books to her dollies (and even to Hannah lately) and she reads sesame street books and says "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Elmo, blah, blah, blah" and it's cute!
Hannah is rolling all over the place and she is quite the mover! She is also doing super good at sitting up by herself! She loves to sit up and look at everything going around her (mainly KaeLee) I put the boppy pillow around her and she just plays away. It's cute. She's growing so fast! I weighed her the other day and she was 15 1/2 pounds! So she's only about 4 pounds behind KaeLee! Haha! I just started Hannah on size 4 diapers! She and KaeLee are now wearing the same size! Hannah could probably wear 3's for a little while longer, but it's hard to tell 3's from 4's in the diaper bag when I am trying to just grab one of their diapers out. Maybe if they made the different sizes different colors, it would be a little easier! Urgh!
Hannah has been sleeping fabulously through the night lately! For a while there, she was getting up again every 2-3 hours, but I think it's because she was going through a growth spurt. This week, she has been sleeping about 7 hours in a row or more! Last night, she went to sleep at 9, got up at 1:30 to eat and went right back to sleep and it's 9:00 now and she's still sleeping! WOW!! I LOVE it! She is definitely starting to show her personality more and more! And she is officially the happiest baby and easiest baby to get a smile out of! But I think she also pukes more than any other baby I know! But she keeps growing, so I guess she must be keeping enough food in her.... I don't know how that's at all possible though with how much she throws up!
This last weekend, my cousins from Montana and their boys came out, so we went over to my Aunt's house Friday night and went swimming and had a BBQ. It was fun. KaeLee loves swimming now. And Shawn has decided he wants a pool. He took KaeLee in the water (I did not go since I was late getting there from work) and he LOVES it!
This was the first Saturday and Sunday that Shawn and I were by ourselves in about 4 months. It seems like every weekend since 2 weekends before Memorial Weekend we have had something to do, somewhere to go or someone coming to visit!! It's been super busy this summer! But I still didn't feel like I was home at all this weekend because I had to work, and then I am housesitting my parent's house while they are at the beach, and letting the dogs out and such. So I would go over there in the morning before work, then after work, then come home and relax for a bit, make dinner, put the girls to bed then go back over there for a while. They get back today though. Yesterday was Konner's birthday. They weren't here to celebrate, so we'll probably go over there tonight. Yesterday, Larry and Lori Ward stopped by on their way home from the family reuninon in California (which we didn't get to go to...) :( It was nice to see them, even though they weren't able to stay long. I didn't get to see them the other weekend when Shawn went up to Cashmere, so I was happy they stopped by! Rick, Sharon and the girls are stopping by today on their way back from it. Then tomorrow, we have playgroup and I have a dentist appointmetn (YUCK!) Then Thursday, my cousin will be in town!! Whoo-Hoo! I'm excited to get to see her! She has a son and two girls. Her girls are about 12 or 13 months apart also. I haven't seem them in probably 5 years or so! They live in..... Ocean Shores? or something like that. They just moved recently from the Bellingham area. Or maybe it was Bellvue? Hmmm..... I don't remember. Anyway, I'm excited to see them. Then Friday, the hop festival begins! YAY!! I work till 6:30, but we will probably walk down there Friday night for a bit. Then Saturday is going to be the busiest day YET! We are going to the parade in the morning, then we will come back for a nap, then we have a family reunion for the Beaudry side of the family and then Lindsay's daughter, Kalli, has her 1st brithday party that we want to try and go to! It's going to be SUPER busy! I thankfully got the day off! I am most excited about the parade. I think KaeLee will really like it.
I'm sure that more has happened since I wrote last, but my mind is going blank. Anyway, I know I have more pictures and I will have to post them soon! But for, now I am off.... have a great rest of the week!
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