Sunday, August 15, 2010

So proud of KaeLee!

Well, as you can see by all the pictures from the last post..... we have been busy but having lots of fun! This summer really has been a lot of fun and I think that the older the girls get, the more fun they are going to be! Yay! This last week was another busy one. KaeLee went to the Dentist on Thursday. He said everything looks fine, the teeth are just taking their sweet time! And actually, that morning, I could feel the top two front teeth trying to poke through. It hasn't made much progress since Thursday, but hopefully AT LEAST by the end of this month, she will have a real tooth!

Thursday night we went to dinner with everyone for Kory's "farewell" dinner. He leaves today to go back to WSU. I think he's way too excited about it. haha. Last night we went out to dinner for my dad's 50th birthday. There were probably about 30 Beaudrys there. It was pretty fun and nice to catch up with everyone. Except I knew better than to go to the same place where my sister Deanne is without getting my eyebrows waxed..... oops. I got another small lecture from her. haha. She is the eyebrow nazi. My other sister, Nikki, is pregnant and due November 11th. They both got sitters for their kids.... we came with both in tow. Owell. They were a big hit of course. KaeLee had everyone cracking up and Hannah just never stopped smiling or jumping. I think she enjoyed being passed around and using everyone as a trampoline! She loves to jump, that's for sure. She refuses to sit still. haha.

Today Shawn is going up to Cashmere to see his dad, Sharon and Ernie and Loretta. He is taking both girls. Hopefully they get some sleep in the car at least and aren't too cranky for everyone up there. I didn't pre-pack the diaper bag for him this time. We'll see how many times he calls me this morning to find things.... haha

Hannah is trying and trying and trying to crawl. I think it'll be pretty soon. Shawn said by the end of the month, I say no way, but by the end of September for sure. Mid September is my guess. I also think she will be walking by Christmas. We'll have to see. I think she's pretty anxious to start chasing after KaeLee though. She is happiest when KaeLee is playing with her or she can at least see her and watch her play. She is often straining her neck trying to look for her. She's just so darn cute!

And if you haven't noticed the very first picture..... Yes! KaeLee went number 2 on the potty chair! I saw her starting to grunt, so I said, "No! Wait!! And I ripped her pants and diaper off and sat her down. She was so proud when she saw it! It was pretty funny. And she got to use the "big girl" wipes. haha. Not sure when this will ever happen again, but she did do it! Some people may think this is totally disgusting that I would take a picture of this, but it is a very big milestone and must be documented! haha. And yes, I just might turn this picture into the yearbook her senior year of high school...... :) We'll see how much of a bratty teenager she gets to be first.... haha.

Shawn and I are still both working away. I don't know about Shawn, but I am super annoyed with my job! I hate politics and drama and the hospital is FULL of them! One girl, who has only been there a month, put her two week notice in because she found a different job. Instead of management saying, "I'm sorry it didn't work out for ya" they say "No, no, don't go..... here, let's give you a raise, full time status, and hey! Why not just be a supervisor?!!?!" Yup, that's right. Supervisor after a month of being there just because she put her two weeks in. Oh, and did I mention that this is the first job she's ever had? Yup. Sure is. She is probably 4or 5 years younger than me, I believe. Oh, I so angry when I found this out! I should have tried this stunt right after I was hired! I wrote kind of an angry email to my supervisor, her supervisor and her supervisor. No replies yet. I'm just tired of this place... Ugh.

Anyway, Shawn and I are sprucing up the house. Every room. I have a list started, but I am trying to take it one room at a time. So far, the Dining room is almost done. New curtains, new wall art, new tablecloth, placemats, centerpiece and other decorations. I am getting a new chandelier from a guy on Craigslist..... which reminds me that I need to call him today.... Anyway, I'm pretty excited about it. It looks good.

We bought panties for KaeLee yesterday and starting Tuesday, I am going to put her in them and nothing else...... we will officially give potty training a trial run. We have 4 days to get her to use the potty. I will still put a diaper on her overnight I'm sure, but I think she may be ready to be potty trained. I guess we will find out! I am super nervous about it and not really looking forward to it! I kind of want to wait one more week....

Well, that's about it. I guess I should get back to work now.... not that I have anything to do for another half an hour..... I will talk to you all again soon. Hopefully sooner rather than later! Have a great week everyone!

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