Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer is just FLYING by!!

I didn't realize how long it has been since my last post.... sorry about that! The last 2 weeks have been so busy! Let's see...... we had playgroup last Wednesday (the 21st). Great turn out. Except KaeLee was way out number since there were only other boys there! But she had lots of fun and is getting better at sharing her toys!

Thursday (the 22nd) was my parents' 21st anniversary. I asked them what they did for it and they said they went to dinner with Kory and Konner and then went down to legends for a bit with Kory. Forgive me if I'm wrong but I have always assumed that an anniversary is between the married couple and not the kids...... haha. Sorry boys! Guess mom and dad don't think you're ready to stay at home by yourselves yet.... haha.

I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Saturday (the 24th), Bud and Joann came down to visit on Saturday and stuck around till I got off work so we could go out to a late lunch. It was great to see them! Friday night, Shawn put his truck up on Craigslist and on Saturday, someone came out to look at it and they came back on Sunday to buy it! WOW!! So last Monday, we went van shopping and after Shawn did a lot of homework on all the available vans around here, we ended up buying a van last night! Whoo-Hoo!! We didn't want another car payment so we bought a little older van with a little higher miles, but we are super excited about it and got a great deal! It's a 2003 Dodge Grand Caravan with 77,000 miles. Shawn switched over the car, so he is now the driver of the car and the van is MINE! Whoo-Hoo! I feel so old now! And I feel like an official mom!

KaeLee is being very clingy lately and want to be held a lot and have one on one play time with her. She likes to take you by the finger and drag you around and follow her. She is getting super cute! If she finds a piece of garbage or I am eating a fruit snack or whatever, she will grab the wrapper and grab my finger, and walk me to the garbage to throw it away! It's so funny! She does it as soon as we get home too and I take her shoes off.... she has to walk me to the closet so I can open it for her and she can put them away right away. Now only if she would do that with her toys after she's done playing with them....!!

KaeLee is officially 18 months now! She is now closer to 2 years old instead of 1 year old! She is getting so big. however, she still does not have a single tooth yet! Poor thing! She doesn't go to the doctor for her 18 month checkup until August 31st though. I weighed her twice and one time it said 10 pounds exactly, then the other time it said 19.4 pounds. Hmmm.... so we're not turning her around in her carseat quite yet. She needs to be 20 pounds, but I want to make sure she is consistently 20 pounds, so I may wait till she is closer to 25 pounds. At this rate, it won't happen till she is about 3 years old! Haha. Oh yeah, and still no teeth. Not that surprising, at this point! One the little boys at playgroup last week did not get his first tooth till sometime between 17 and 18 months, so even though she has already passed him up, it's nice to hear of people not getting them till they are older! Though, my cousin just had to scare me last week! She was telling me that she had a friend who's son didn't have any teeth and at about 20 months, she finally went to the dentist about it. It turned out that he has all his teeth, but his gums had gotten so hard and strong that the teeth couldn't break through them to pop up. He had to had surgery on his gums to soften them or something so his teeth could pop through. This worries me because we have been able to "see" the teeth in her gums for forever now and she has been acting like she has been really hurting and teething for the last month or so (probably longer, really...) and they don't seem to be getting any closer to popping out. I know that this whole gum issue is VERY rare, but it still worries me. So I am anxiously waiting for her doctor's appointment to ask the doctor about it again. I may even call the dentist to see what they say about it. But they will just want to give her x-rays and stuff and I'm not sure that it is quite neccesary yet. I don't want to torture her with that quite yet if I don't need to.

Anyway, KaeLee is talking away. She has added many more words to her vocabulary, although Shawn and I are the only ones who understand most of them.... haha. She still needs to work on her pronunciation! But I'm sure once she gets teeth, it will be easier for her! She is saying words more clearly now though. One of her new words is 'Elmo'. It's super cute! She sits and reads books to her dollies (and even to Hannah lately) and she reads sesame street books and says "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, Elmo, blah, blah, blah" and it's cute!

Hannah is rolling all over the place and she is quite the mover! She is also doing super good at sitting up by herself! She loves to sit up and look at everything going around her (mainly KaeLee) I put the boppy pillow around her and she just plays away. It's cute. She's growing so fast! I weighed her the other day and she was 15 1/2 pounds! So she's only about 4 pounds behind KaeLee! Haha! I just started Hannah on size 4 diapers! She and KaeLee are now wearing the same size! Hannah could probably wear 3's for a little while longer, but it's hard to tell 3's from 4's in the diaper bag when I am trying to just grab one of their diapers out. Maybe if they made the different sizes different colors, it would be a little easier! Urgh!

Hannah has been sleeping fabulously through the night lately! For a while there, she was getting up again every 2-3 hours, but I think it's because she was going through a growth spurt. This week, she has been sleeping about 7 hours in a row or more! Last night, she went to sleep at 9, got up at 1:30 to eat and went right back to sleep and it's 9:00 now and she's still sleeping! WOW!! I LOVE it! She is definitely starting to show her personality more and more! And she is officially the happiest baby and easiest baby to get a smile out of! But I think she also pukes more than any other baby I know! But she keeps growing, so I guess she must be keeping enough food in her.... I don't know how that's at all possible though with how much she throws up!

This last weekend, my cousins from Montana and their boys came out, so we went over to my Aunt's house Friday night and went swimming and had a BBQ. It was fun. KaeLee loves swimming now. And Shawn has decided he wants a pool. He took KaeLee in the water (I did not go since I was late getting there from work) and he LOVES it!

This was the first Saturday and Sunday that Shawn and I were by ourselves in about 4 months. It seems like every weekend since 2 weekends before Memorial Weekend we have had something to do, somewhere to go or someone coming to visit!! It's been super busy this summer! But I still didn't feel like I was home at all this weekend because I had to work, and then I am housesitting my parent's house while they are at the beach, and letting the dogs out and such. So I would go over there in the morning before work, then after work, then come home and relax for a bit, make dinner, put the girls to bed then go back over there for a while. They get back today though. Yesterday was Konner's birthday. They weren't here to celebrate, so we'll probably go over there tonight. Yesterday, Larry and Lori Ward stopped by on their way home from the family reuninon in California (which we didn't get to go to...) :( It was nice to see them, even though they weren't able to stay long. I didn't get to see them the other weekend when Shawn went up to Cashmere, so I was happy they stopped by! Rick, Sharon and the girls are stopping by today on their way back from it. Then tomorrow, we have playgroup and I have a dentist appointmetn (YUCK!) Then Thursday, my cousin will be in town!! Whoo-Hoo! I'm excited to get to see her! She has a son and two girls. Her girls are about 12 or 13 months apart also. I haven't seem them in probably 5 years or so! They live in..... Ocean Shores? or something like that. They just moved recently from the Bellingham area. Or maybe it was Bellvue? Hmmm..... I don't remember. Anyway, I'm excited to see them. Then Friday, the hop festival begins! YAY!! I work till 6:30, but we will probably walk down there Friday night for a bit. Then Saturday is going to be the busiest day YET! We are going to the parade in the morning, then we will come back for a nap, then we have a family reunion for the Beaudry side of the family and then Lindsay's daughter, Kalli, has her 1st brithday party that we want to try and go to! It's going to be SUPER busy! I thankfully got the day off! I am most excited about the parade. I think KaeLee will really like it.

I'm sure that more has happened since I wrote last, but my mind is going blank. Anyway, I know I have more pictures and I will have to post them soon! But for, now I am off.... have a great rest of the week!

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