I have been meaning to post new pictures for forever now, but am finally getting to it. KaeLee's toys are not getting picked up and I am not taking a nap, but I will sacrifice those things for you all so that you can see new pictures of our beautiful girls. I will have to try and be fast though because KaeLee (or Hannah) could be waking up anytime now, since I didn't sacrifice my shower.... haha.
Anyway, these last couple weeks have been nuts-o!! It has been interesting getting used to another baby in the house. KaeLee has definitely gotten much better around Hannah and is getting used to her. She is becoming much of a helper. When Hannah loses her pacifier and fusses for a second, KaeLee is quick to say uh-oh and point to Hannah. Though, when the pacifier is in her mouth, she wants to try and take it away from her. She is also helpful because when we are cooking something either in the microwave or the oven, whenever the timer goes off, she repeats "uh-oh, uh-oh" while running into the kitchen pointing to the oven. It's quite funny! She does it every time, but I still laugh every time because she is so darn cute!
Of course, she isn't always so cute! She has learned how to throw quite a tantrum and has thrown Shawn and I for a loop! We don't know where she got the idea to even try and throw herself on the ground and start kicking and screaming. Daycare maybe? Or is this just something that all toddlers are programmed with??? Well, it sure is frustrating and hard to deal with! Shawn is really nervous about when she turns 2 if this is the kind of tantrum she can throw NOW! haha. We are trying our best to be patient with her instead of just throwing her out the window.... haha.... NO, we would never do this. Just think it. ;-)
Hannah has changed so much in the last week and a half already, it's crazy! She sure is beautiful. People say she looks just like KaeLee, but I don't think she really does. I suppose she does look like her, but there are so many differences that I can't really actually point out what about them is the same..... hmmmmm...... KaeLee: no hair when born, huge eyes, long eye lashes, normal cheeks, normal chin, really white skin..... Hannah: lots of hair (dark, not light like KaeLee's is now), little eyes, normal eye lashes, chubby chubby cheeks, a butt chin, beautiful olive skin tone..... just a few of the differences. Oh well, they are both the prettiest babies ever!
Hannah sure does spit up a bunch though! That's something I'm not used to since KaeLee never spit up. I am going through a lot of clothes and receiving blankets through the day because of it and really should have a bib on her at all times.
My recovery is going very well! This time around was 100 times better in healing terms. I am practically not sore at all anymore and can move and function perfectly fine! Whoo-Hoo! With KaeLee it took the full 6 weeks to heal and I still had problems and issues that lasted till May! So I am VERY thankful for that!
Shawn went back to work on Monday. I was really nervous to be with the gils by myself for the first time, especially since KaeLee had been throwing fits and tantrums, but God has been gracious and she has been AMAZING all week!! She has still thrown some tantrums, but luckily she at least waits until Shawn gets home..... hahaha.
I forget how boring babies are though. I am anxious for the next 6 months to fly by so that Hannah can be down on the ground, moving around and let her personality shine. Right now she is either eating or sleeping. She's not awake very often, but when she is, it sure is fun to just stare at her. And getting glimpses of her smiles are always a blessing. She's so pretty.
I used to laugh when I watched Jon and Kate Plus Eight and Kate would describe her daily routine as "make a meal, serve a meal, clean up a meal. Make a meal, serve a meal, clean up a meal. Make a meal, serve a meal, clean up a meal." But now I understand how she feels. Not that I have 8 kids the same age, but here's a recap of a typical day of mine:
KaeLee wakes up, change KaeLee, Make Breakfast, Feed KaeLee, Hannah wakes up, change Hannah, feed Hannah, clean up KaeLee, change Hannah, play with KaeLee, prepare snack, feed KaeLee, change Hannah, clean up KaeLee, change KaeLee, nap for KaeLee, feed Hannah, nap for Hannah, me shower, me eat lunch, pick up the toys, do the dishes, check facebook, pay some bills, pump, KaeLee wakes up, change KaeLee, make lunch, feed KaeLee, Hannah wakes up, change Hannah, feed Hannah, clean up KaeLee, play with KaeLee, change KaeLee, prepare snack, feed KaeLee, change Hannah, feed Hannah, clean up KaeLee, play with KaeLee, change Hannah, attempt to start making dinner, prepare KaeLee's dinner, change KaeLee, feed KaeLee, change Hannah, feed Hannah, Shawn comes home, he cleans up KaeLee then takes Hannah, I finish making dinner, finish feeding Hannah, give KaeLee another snack while we eat dinner, I take Hannah so Shawn can play with KaeLee, Shawn takes Hannah, KaeLee and I go get the mail, bath time for KaeLee, change Hannah, Hannah eats again, Shawn takes Hannah, we watch a tv show, change Hannah, feed Hannah, mommy and Hannah go to BED!!!
Haha.... hope you could follow that. Of course, there are other random things that happen throughout the day and lots of other diaper changes and clothes changes..... but this is the typical day for me.... pretty exhausting!
Anyway, bedtime has become the battle in this household. I mention that because Shawn is currently attempting to put her to bed. (No, I didn't get the blog done during their naptime.... BOO!) This whole week she has been fighting bedtime and has been waking up in the middle of the night. More than once. It's definitley frustrating. Hopefully it passes soon!
I don't think there is anything else too exciting too talk about. We look forward to watching Hannah grow up and watching her and KaeLee become friends and can't wait for her to get olf enough to start running around and playing with KaeLee! And I can't wait till they are eating the same things at the same time and can go to the bathroom on their own.... haha. But for now, we will continue to make 3 dinners, change 20 diapers a day and pray that we will make it through the week with sanity.
Here are some pictures. Mostly of Hannah, but a few random ones of KaeLee from the past few weeks as well. hope you all are doing great. Oh, random fact I heard and thought was pretty funny! This week is the week where vasectomys are most scheduled over any other week in the year. It increases by 50%. Why, you may ask..... because men want to take their three days of healing off the of work to watch March Maddness. Haha. I thought that was pretty funny. That way they have a doctors note for a reason to stay home and don't have to waste their vacation time. Haha. Anyway, goodnight, yall.
KaeLee on her horse!
Leaving the hospital
KaeLee and Hannah meet for the first time!
I would say KaeLee has outgrown the bouncer!! She looks HUGE in this picture!! :)
Daddy and his girls
KaeLee being silly and playing with the Costco boxes
Hannah's first bath at home
A warm Hannah after her bath
Hannah gets lots of kisses from her big sister!
Mommy's already dressing them alike! :)
Hannah.... SO cute!
I was feeding Hannah and heard KaeLee talking a lot of jibberish and a random "wow!", so I looked over to the other room and found her sitting at her table reading a book! Haha... it was SO cute! I had to get a picture! That girl cracks me up! She's gonna be like her momma and love reading! (Hopefully it lasts longer than high school though!)
KaeLee watches TV for the first time..... I turned Barney and Friends on for her and she was glued. She wouldn't even turn towards me when I would call her name. She would stand in front of it just staring and then when they started to sing and dance, she would stomp her foot right along with them. It was hilarious. I have now started recording Barney every morning and will be using them when she starts getting whiny or when I need her to play by herself while I feed Hannah.... :) YAY!
Mommy and Hannah
The Cox girls
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