Saturday, February 13, 2010

What a dreadful day!

So today was quite a difficult day. Something is wrong with KaeLee and I am not too sure what the problem is. I know that she probably doesn't feel well the way her nose is running and her appetite is lacking. She has not been acting like herself for the last few days, but today was nearly unbearable! She is super super clingy to me right now and doesn't want to do anything but be held and walked around. Forget sitting. Forget trying to play with her. Forget anything else! Well, having a large ball prutruding out of the front of me, I am off balance enough, then attach a 19 pound child to one side of me and I am really off kelter! She does okay if I sit on the floor with her, but I can only handle the floor for so long these days.....

Anyway, I don't know what to do with her. Shawn had to hold her while she took her hour and a hlaf nap today because every time he set her down, she was instantly awake. But she was SO tired! Beyond tired, actually.... Suprisingly enough, she fell asleep about an hour ago while drinking her bottle..... PRAISE THE LORD! Hopefully she sleeps all night and is not up at 1:00, then again at 4:00! I should goto bed right now actually, to ensure maximum hours of sleep! But I am so sore right now from walking around with KaeLee so much today, walking around Target and crawling and rolling around on the floor with KaeLee that just the thought about stretching out in bed is painful! Hahaha.

My little brother, Konner, has a basketball tournament this weekend, so Shawn, KaeLee and I went to his morning game. They won in overtime by one point. It was a really good game. That's when KaeLee's crankiness and clingyness started for the day. I went to the second game while Shawn stayed home to put her down for a nap. (this time they lost by 2 points in overtime..... another close game!) This is when he ended up having to hold her the whole time. I had to get outta there for a while though and take a breather. She gets me so frustrated and worked up that I get physically sick and throw up. It's happened three times this week since she's been like this. I guess some kids drive their moms to chocolate, some to have to take a drive, some to go outside and scream.... but in my case, she drives me to puke. Thanks KaeLee. :-)

Anyway, I guess I just want to whine about the day. It is becoming painful to walk and I have to go grocery shopping tomorrow. Ugh. Shawn said he would go for me, but if I sent him with a list, he would only get what is on the list! When it comes to grocry shopping, I am not the best "list" shopper. I have to walk down every aisle to ensure that I am not missing something that I forgot to put on my list, or the I am not missing a great deal on something that we may not need at the moment, but if it's such a great deal, I gotta stock up on it, right?! So, yeah, Shawn doesn't shop like this and it drives me crazy of course. We cannot go shopping together because he looks straight at the list and has tunnel vision till he gets the items on it. No browsing for him. I may drag him with me to be my hands though. It's hrad enough to trudge around the store with this watermelon under my shirt, but to reach for items high on the shelf, bend over for the low ones, load them into the cart, then onto the belt at the register, then into the cart again, then into the car, then into the house, then into the cupboards..... well, it can just get a little taxing!

Speaking of taxes, we just got our refund in the bank the other day! Whoo-Hoo! We were not expecting much of a refund at all this year, but thanks to KaeLee, we got an exciting big one! (I am having deja vu here and am thinking I may have mentioned this in the last blog....if so, disregard this paragraph....hahaha)

Well, I am going to go to bed. Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow to everyone! Shawn and I don't have any plans, other than grocery shopping. We are taking a slight boycott to the holiday this year, I suppose..... or we're just too lazy to celebrate it..... hahaha. Have a great day..... I'm gonna go hit the hay! Night.

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