Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's looking up....

So, I have to say, that the rest of the day yesterday went wonderfully. Despite KaeLee only taking an hour long nap in the morning, she was a very good girl and only threw one fit till her second nap. I think being at Grandma Beaudry's house helped this. If it were just me and her at home, she would have been more rotten probably! haha. But there she had new people to play with. She especially enjoyed Aunt Deanne, who happened to stop by while we were there. She definitely put on a charming show for them. I think she said "hi" about 50 gazillion times to them. It WAS pretty cute, I guess.... :)

I finally got my wax yesterday and let me tell you..... I feel like a completely different person! Ah, MUCH better! The lady took forever though and it was starting to get really uncomfortable, but I somehow managed to hang in there till she was done and not throw up everywhere. I hate it when they start plucking my eyebrows.... I came for a WAX, not a pluck, thank you! When my eyebrows get plucked, it makes my stomach turn and I get SO queasy that I feel like throwing up. it is really not much fun. Anyway, I some time before I had to be up at my mom's (for our weekly viewing of the Bachelor, my one night a week away from KaeLee)so I went to TJMaxx to look around and I ended up finding a couple of purple baby blankets! YAY! Purple one's are not to easy to run across! And they were super cheap, so I was WAY excited! (you know me, I LOVE a great deal!)

Shawn had a little trouble getting KaeLee down for bedtime, but it only took a bout a half hour this time. Then she woke up at 2am this morning and was hungry for some reason (maybe she should have ate more lunch and dinner yesterday, eh?). She downed a large bottle then went back to sleep. Whew. That only took a half hour. An hour and a half later I was up and getting ready for work. Whoo-Hoo.... I work today, have tomorrow off, then work the next 4 days.... I am hoping that that will be the end of my working days for a while, as I am hoping to have this baby on Monday! If not, I only work Thursday and Friday next week, then I am done for sure! YAY! (that means only 5 more days of daycare!)

Well, breakfast trayline is about to start, so I should get back to work I suppose.... Have a great Tuesday.... or Monday for most of you since you probably had yesterday off work... We'll talk again soon...

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