Saturday, November 7, 2009

Going to Denver? Why not stop in Pheonix on the way?

Wow, this week has flown by! I figured I should probably write a new entry....

I had Hayden 3 days this week... her and KaeLee are playing a lot better now, except KaeLee is a lot more excited to play with her I think. She is nothing but smiles when she wakes up from nap and sees that Hayden is here. She will be a GREAT big sister! She absolutely loves other kids and I know she will love her baby sister a lot as well!

She has been pointing a lot more and getting so good at waving. Her personality is definitely emerging. She experiments a lot with different noises her mouth can make and it just cracks me up! Some of her favorite things to date: yogurt, playing with paper, pens, and bags, playing in her tent, riding her rocking horse, giving kisses, reading books, hitting her blocks together, bath time and being chased while crawling (among others). Some of her hates: Not being able to play with the tissues or the fireplace, getting dressed or her diaper changed, bedtime, any kind of textured food and being in her carseat. It's so much fun to watch her learn new things every day and know that her mind is hard at work, taking everything in around her.

Shawn left for Denver Thursday morning. He was stuck in Pheonix most of the day, waiting for a substitute plane, as his was missing some mechanical part (uh, kinda scary...). Why he had a lay over in Pheonix is beyond me... doesn't really seem like it's "on the way"! He finally made it safely to Denver by about 6pm (he left Seattle at 8am!) and he won't get back into Seattle until 9pm tonight. So it's been a lonely few days without him. Last night was super strange because KaeLee spent the night at Grandma's since I had to work at 5 this morning. I was all alone.... something that hasn't occured in a very long time... I, of course, wanted to go crazy and let my hair down, turn the music up and dance in my underwear.... but instead I went to bed at 9, knowing I had to get up early. BOO! So much for a night by myself, right? hahaha. It was strange to go to bed and not have the monitor on.... I actually woke up at 1am and turned it on because I was missing the humming and buzzing that comes from it. (yes, it's very noisy... I opted to go for the cheap one when making my purchase and got what I paid for! haha. owell)

Other than that, things are going good. I got a lot done in Hannah's room... STILL a long way to go! Hopefully I can finish soon so we can start painting! Shawn is excited to get back because he found information for a job for me that I can do from home. He's pretty excited about it... I'm pretty skeptical. We'll see. It'd be nice because I don't want to have to work after Hannah's born, and we could most likely squeeze by without me working, but the extra cash would be really nice so we can get some savings going for the girls (and ourselves...) My goal just be $500 a month... that doesn't seem so hard, does it? We'll see. I can't wait till we can refinance the house in the spring and save a few hundred a month! (we were going to this last spring but found we had a pre-payment penalty on our mortgage for the first 3 years....BOO!)

Anyway, not much else to write about. Whenever I think I don't have anything to write about, my blogs seem to get long anyway.... my deepest apologies to all those I have just bored! haha. I will write again soon, maybe something more exciting will happen...for now I should get back to work. Have a great weekend!

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