Well, Halloween is over.... we had a final count of 293 trick or treaters! We probably would have reached 300, but had to turn our lights out because KaeLee had to go to bed. A doorbell ringing every 3 seconds probably would have hindered her sleep....! We carved pumpkins today (yes, today.... it's been a very busy week!) We barely got them out on the porch before the trick or treaters started flowing in. They started at 5:30.... turned our lights off at 9, though it started to slow way down at about 7. My brother and sister-in-law stopped by with Jake... he was dressed up as a cowboy... not too surprisingly... ;)
I have a wonderful smell going throughout the house right now..... YUMMY! I have pumpkin seeds roasting away! I couldn't wait till tomorrow to make them, so I am trying to stay up until they are done tonight! Although, now I will want to stay up and eat them all tonight! Hahaha
Here are some pictures from today... KaeLee was so cute as a little butterfly! Even though she didn't go trick or treating, she got a lot of people commenting on her! Tonight is Daylight savings.... which mean KaeLee is going to wake us up super early in the morning! So much for getting to sleep in on the weekend! Shawn blew out our sprinklers today... can't believe it's already that time of year... or that tomorrow is November! Wow! Time is flying! Thanksgiving is in only 3 weeks! Which must mean Christmas is in 7?!?!? Wow!
I got a little further on clearing out the guest room today... it's looking much better, but still has a long way to go! Other than that, nothing else too exciting happened this week. KaeLee is getting super big and super smart! She is getting so good at clapping and saying Hi, Mama, and Dadda. She is quite the lover and loves to kiss all her toys and every page of her books when you read to her! It's a rare occasion if she kisses an actual person (except for me.... apparently my skin tastes good.... haha) We are sure loving watching her grow and learn new things! Oh, and she has also starting pointing at things quite a bit too. It's so cute! Well, enjoy the pictures.... I'm gonna go check on my seeds!
KaeLee on the pile of candy pre-trick or treaters.... we maybe had about 40 pieces left at the end of the night. (this is 5 bags of Costco candy!)
Me sorting my seeds out!
Shawn carving his pumpkin
KaeLee makes such a cute butterfly!
Fly away butterfly, fly away!
Our Pumpkins! Not too extravagant as we were running out of time....
KaeLee sittin with the pumpkins!
KaeLee and her cousin Jake
KaeLee and Mommy
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