Wednesday, October 20, 2010

To my Husband...

Here's another oldie.... 10-20-07

Dear sweet husband,

   You are amazing.  You are the first greatest gift God has given me.  You are the glue of our family.  No one could be more perfect for me than you are.  God placed you in my life for so many reasons...... some reasons I haven't gotten to discover yet.  Every day is a blessing to be married to you. 

I love how you come home and take over with the girls because you know how exhausted I am.  Even though I know you are exhausted from your own day at work.  I love how you help with EVERYTHING with the girls.... diapers, middle of the night feedings, crying, discipline, feeding, packing the diaper bag, carrying the pink bag around without hesitation..... you do so much for those girls.  You do so much for me.  I love how you help around the house and aren't afraid of the dishes, the laundry room, or the vacuum.  You stepped up and did everything when I was recovering from giving birth and you are so quick to help whenever I need it.  I love it how you always ask if I need anything and how you know all my little quirks and OCD tendencies.  And you only make fun of me occasionally. 

There are so many things you do for me, I would never be able to list them all.  But most importantly, you encourage me.  You make me feel so loved, so comfortable, and so confident.  Thank you for everything you've done, everything you do, and everything you will do in our lifetime together.  I would have it no other way.  I love you.  Happy Anniversary!

your crazy woman for a wife :)


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