Monday, October 18, 2010

A Lost Shoe, A Lost Purse, and 2 Cranky Kids!

Well, so much for a nice, relaxed weekend just hanging out with the girls and my mom. HA! We went down to Tri-Cities to go to JCPenny. We started in the shoe department, then moved all around the store, coming to the baby department. This is where KaeLee says "shoe? shoe?" Looking down, I see that she has lost a shoe. Not just a shoe. The only shoe that fits her. Her Brand new shoe. Half of her $20 pair of shoes! Ahhhhhhh!!!! Searching the store, I finally found the shoe up on a display shelf in the shoe department, with a fake tag stuck in it like it was for sale or something. HA! I quickly grabbed it then had to run around the entire store to try and figure out where mom went. Finally found her, finished shopping and went to check out. Time to pay. Oh CRAP! Where's my purse? Yeah, the purse with my keys, money, and well, EVERYTHING! So again, we do a run around in the store, asking a bunch of people if it's been turned in. After all these no's, I am starting to shake and will at any moment break down into a full blown pity party bawling session. Then my mom asked one more guy and he said he had found it!! WHEW!! So we go BACK to the check out and finish up and go grab some lunch.

Then we have to go back to Pennys for the girls' pictures. Yes. We were going to get their pictures taken. Oh, my kids are fabulous, right? They love being center of attention and are very well behaved (for other people). This should be a breeze. They will love my kids. It will probably be the easiest session they have all day.

And then we started the photo shoot.

KaeLee would not sit anywhere she was supposed to. Hannah just kept crawling away or would be swinging her arms wildly and every picture would be blurry. Urgh. It was the most frustrating thing ever. I have a new found respect for photographers because if I had to do that all day I would go insane and there would be NO WAY I would EVER have kids! That's a good birth control job for sure! Now, granted, the lady we had was not all that great and wasn't too helpful. I feel like I did everything but push the button on the camera! I suggested props, postitioned the girls, suggested backgrounds, tried to get the girls to smile... yeah. Pretty sure that lady should have been doing all that. I think I may just ask for a nicer camera for Christmas (or maybe my birthday....) and just stick to doing them myself. That way I can catch them in a good and 'willing' mood.

**SIGH** That was just as exhausting telling you about it as it was to be there! The girls were zonked out in the car before I could even get the car started! The slept good the whole way home. We then decided to go to dinner (I told my mom she was crazy!) and Hannah screamed the entire way. She was DONE being in the car seat. I knew I was pushing it. Dinner went great though and they both behaved very well. I think it was because there were enough people around and they were all cooing over the girls, which they love. Then Hannah screamed the whole way home. Bath time was cut short due to the fact that Hannah puked chunks ALL over the place in the tub and it was no longer anywhere close to being sanitary enough to stay in there. And it was impossible to try and get out! Quick bath and quick bed time and then I got to clean the bathtub and all their bath toys.

Whew. What a weekend! I am totally exhausted and we didn't get to make it to storytime today. Bummer. The girls are both sleeping now, so I should probably get going and eat some lunch and try to get something done around here since it didn't happen this weekend! Have a great week everyone! Here a few pictures from yesterday and this morning while just hanging out with the girls. I will post the pictures from Penny's once I get them back. (7-10 business days I believe)

hmmmmmm..... my button for adding pictures is missing for some reason??? I guess I will just try later. Sorry. As is my spellcheck. And I don't feel like re-reading this to edit it. Sorry again.


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