Friday, October 8, 2010

101 Reasons I LOVE Fall....

Okay, so it's not really 101 reasons. For one, that would most likely get pretty boring to read..... but here is why FALL is my FAVORITE!! (in no particular order...)

1. Perfect Temperature

2. Sweatshirts and jeans.... but can still slide on my beloved flip flops....

3. Hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. A lot of them. (or marshmallows with a bit of hot chocolate as Shawn would say...)

4. Hot apple cider

5. Anticipation of upcoming holidays, gathering with friends and family

6. No more nagging Shawn to mow the lawn..... So during what season do I get a break from MY least favorite chore???

7. Harvest moons

8. Halloween and all that comes with it
...decor, candy, carving pumpkins, trick or treaters, trip to the pumpkin patch...

9. ROASTED PUMPKIN SEEDS! (yes, digging through the guts of pumpkins is SO worth the damage it does to my poor hands! Maybe this year I will actually wear gloves...)

10. Thanksgiving. Perfect Holiday. Family. Friends. Gratitude.

11. Smell of freshly baked Apple Pie and Applesauce

12. The season premiere of my favorite TV shows. Oh, how I missed you all summer!

13. Yards covered in freshly fallen leaves

14. The "crunch" as you walk down the sidewalk, sprinkled with gorgeous colored leaves

15. The browns, greens,burnt orange, smoky red and golden yellows.

16. The idea of sitting by the fireplace with a blanket, a cup of hot cider and a good book! (I say IDEA because who really has time for this with two kids and a whole new season of TV shows!...the dream is nice.)

17. Starting to think about Christmas gifts for people

18. Christmas Decor and music filling the stores (no.... I really don't mind it this early.... it gets me excited and in the spirit. And one can NEVER have too much Christmas music!)

19. The smell of pine cones and cinnamon

20. The later sunrises and earlier sunsets.

21. The birds leave. No, I'm not a big fan of them... haha

22. Warm soup and crock pot meals. Though I hate washing the crock pot by hand.

23. Football season. Yes, even football is fine with me during Fall. Come winter I may get tired of it. But Football means that Sundays are filled with family gatherings, good food and a relaxed day every Sunday.


  1. Soon you can add

    24. School starts and you get time for yourself

    25. Lots of vacation from school and you get the girls to yourself

    And I believe you forgot the number one

    PUMKIN PIE!!!!

  2. hmmmm....... sorry Alyssa.... not a big fan of pumpkin pie. :) But I WILL look forward to school starting!
