Hannah's stats from her 6 month appointment:
Height: 25 1/4 inches (33%)
Weight: 17 lbs 9 oz (75%)
Head: 41.5 cm (13%)
Hannah in KaeLee's hat
Pretty girl!
KaeLee playing with the dump truck at Jake's birthday party
Jake, Nathaniel and KaeLee playing with the trucks together
Daddy with the girls and a weird Konner in the background
KaeLee really got into pushing those trucks around!
Daddy and Hannah
KaeLee being lazy and not taking the cup out of the diaper bag before taking a drink
Jake trying to light his own candle.... haha
KaeLee loved the trucks!
Playing in the Hay maze Cheryl made for the kids
Happy Hannah after her morning nap!
She loves it when I turn the mobile on for her before getting up completely up. Here she is trying to grab it.
Hannah in her tutu that I made for her. It's a little long, but she will eventually grow into it.... haha
Here she is again. It's hard to get a picture of her without her swinging her arms around!
KaeLee and Hannah..... sisterly love
Happy Hannah at 6 months!
KaeLee is almost 20 months here
We went to the mal and tried on some hats.....
Then KaeLee got to plaly on the truck....stupid thing ate my quarter when I tried to turn it on! ARGH!
Then she got to play in the indoor playground while I fed Hannah.... here she is going through the tunnel
It's a ladybug!
We did another photo shoot attempt after we got back home...
Shawn was home this time to get her to smile big!
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