Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Rollin Machine!

Hannah officially rolled all the way over yesterday from her back to her tummy!! Whoo-Hoo! Go Hannah! Today she is rolling all over the place! She started on her back and rolled over 4 times in a row to end up on her back again! I had to jump up and save her from rolling into the TV. She loves being on the floor now! She's a rolling machine! Except KaeLee is right there on top of her all the time. She just wants to play with her SO bad. She is such a good big sister though and shows Hannah all the toys and pushes the musical ones for her. When she is on her tummy, she put toys in front of her and when she is on her back, she puts toys on her belly for her to grab. I think she is very excited about the fact that she grabs for the toys that KaeLee hands her now. She feels so proud that she is "playing with" her. It is very cute to watch. But watch them is most definitely what I have to do! KaeLee has a tendancy to love "too much" and tries to put all of her weight on Hannah or pick her up and try to drag her somewhere. Haha. Poor Hannah. Soon she can retaliate.

Hannah had her 4 month appointment on Monday. She weighs 14 pounds 4 ounces and is 24 inches long. At four months, KaeLee was also 24 inches, and their heads were the same size, but KaeLee weighed 2 pounds lighter. Poor Hannah is a chunky one. :) But she's a CUTE chunky one!!

Well, that's all the exciting news for now.... I still have yet to hear from that job. Maybe today. Maybe tomorrow.... who knows. Anyway, I had better get KaeLee goin on lunch so we can run into Target when she's done.

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