Friday, May 14, 2010

This week flew by!

Monday, May 14

It seems like it's been longer than a week since I've written. This week gone by way too fast! I can't believe it's already another weekend tomorrow! And we are already halfway through May! Wow!

Well, First off, Happy Late Mother's Day to all you moms out there. I hope you all had a great day! I had to work, but all the moms on the dietary staff got a cool gift. It's one of those reuseable coffee cup (like the ones Starbucks sells... looks like a clear 24 oz drink cup) and it had a coupon for a couple free coffees at the espresso stand here in the hospital. I was pretty excited. I was super bored here at work so I took it upon myself to write happy mothers day on all the new mommies menu cards and drew them a pretty picture. Okay, not too sure how pretty they were... but owell. Anyway, after work, I went home and got to just relax and spend non-whiny time with KaeLee and Hannah which was nice. Shawn had the kitchen all cleaned up for me and he helped KaeLee make a mother's day card for me that had coupons inside for various things. Very cute. Then we went up to my mom's house for dinner. Barbequed Chicken and Steak. Yummy. It was a great day, even if I did have to work.

Being back at work really isn't as bad as I was anticipating. I don't like to work on the weekends at all but I do like the staff better on the weekends. And management only works Monday thru Friday, so it's nice to not have them breathing down your neck, making sure you're doing your job, when they don't even know what your job is! Ugh. (Obviously, this is quite annoying to me :)) I also enjoy my drives to and from work where I can turn the music up louder and drive a little more aggresive. (Okay, no... I am NOT a crazy driver - though Shawn may disagree - but when the girls are in the back, I'm always thinking about trying not to give them whiplash and try to increase my speed gradually when the light turns green.... and other little things like that.) I can just step on the gas pedal and know that no one is going to get whiplash or fly out of their carseat.... haha. It feels quite freeing to just drive your car with no one but yourself in it. It's also always nice to have the break from screaming whinny kids. Although, the night/weekend shift here is all teenagers who, I swear, complain more than KaeLee. They have more drama in their lives than I know what to do with. And since I'm the one sitting in the office of 3 chairs, they feel the need to come in, 2 at a time, to vent the woes of their lives to me. But I love to listen to them. It's really quite entertaining and I often feel like I am stuck in the middle of a reality drama show. But I love em anyway.

On Tuesday, Hannah went in for her 2 month check up. I can't believe she's only 2 months. Everyone says time flies and "I can't believe she's already 2 months!" But I feel like she's been around forever and that she should be at least 6 months old already! It's seems as though it's just dragging on and on.... haha. Yes, I know. When they get older, I look back and say 'my! How the time flies!'. And Yadda, Yadda, Yadda. For now, I feel like it's taking forever for her to get to 6 months old! Anyway, she did very well at her check up. She now weighs 11 pounds, 7 ounces. And she is 22 inches long. This puts her in the 34th percentile for her height and 66th percentile for her weight. Yup. She's a chubby one. :) I looked back at KaeLee's 2 month check up and she was 9 pounds 7 ounces (19th percentile) and 21 1/2 inches long (23rd percentile).

Another week with no teeth for KaeLee. I asked Dr. Simms about it while we were there and he just laughed. He said she must be boycotting them and just assured me they would eventualy come in. He said there are definitly teeth there, they are just taking their time to appear. He said he'll be surprised if she comes back for her 18 month appt with still no teeth. He has only seen that a few times. I guess an upside to this is that I don't have to start brushing her teeth or bringing her to the dentist just yet. KaeLee has been sleeping in all week, which has been super nice for me! She has been up at 9:30 or 10 every day this week! I was worried though because today we need to be out of the house by 9 and I was not looking forward to having to wake her up! But luckily, she woke up at 6:30 this morning when I needed her to get up earlier. Not that she needed to get up at 6:30.... 8:00 would have been just fine as well... ;)

I have some pictures to post, but since I am at work right now, I can't post them. So I will have to do that soon. I also need to get some posed pictures of Hannah soon. And KaeLee probably too. Maybe one day soon, I will try to do another homeade photo shoot with the two of them. It is a quite difficult task though! It seems that KaeLee will sit still a lot easier for a stranger than she will for me. We'll see what we can do though.

Shawn is pretty much done in the yard now, I believe. Other than just mowing and maintaining it now. It looks great. We finally took the car in yesterday to get it fixed. It's only been about 3 months or so. Haha. It was the timing belt that was broken. Bummer. But at least it will be fixed shortly and he will have the ability to haul both kids in the car and we will save some gas money with him parking his truck for a while.

Not sure if I mentioned this last time or not, but I hae recently started watching Grey's Anatomy from the beginning of the series and I am completly hooked on it and want to do nothing but watch it! I LOVE IT! I just finished the third season this morning (since Hannah decided to get up at 5am again!)

Well, I believe that is all the exciting news I have for this week. I'll post some pictures soon. And will write again later. Have a great weekend everyone! And Happy early birthday to Sue! :)

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