I decided to not go out shopping on Friday.... the first year ever that I haven't gone to stand in line an hour before the store opens! I did get some shopping done online though and am pretty close to being done! Rick, Sharon, Jen and Megan came over on Friday for the day and we went out to lunch.... we tried to go to the new Bob's Burgers, but the line was way out the door! We ended up going to Miners, which was still WAY packed, but at least there was an empty table! We had a lot of fun and KaeLee especially enjoyed seeing them! Definitely wish we all lived closer to each other!
My parents, Kory and Konner came over for a game night Friday night and we spent the rest of the night playing Mad Gab, Taboo, and Apples to Apples. It was fun.... especially since I was on the winning team for most of the time! :)
The next three weeks are pretty busy... not really looking forward to them really. Other than going to Camano next weekend. Otherwise, I work everyday.... yuck. Hannah's crib bedding came this week too! YAY!! I have the room all cleared out and th paint picked out, now I just have to find time to go get the paint and paint the room..... not sure when that'll happen...! I was hoping to do it sooner than later, but as I mentioned.... the next 3 weeks aren't lookin so hot.... then it's Christmas! Owell.... it'll happen eventually I suppose. I got a rug for Hannah's room today too.... so excited to put it all together in her room!
Oh, I also found out some pretty upsetting news this week.... The place where we did KaeLee's 4-D Ultrasound last year is out of business and it was the only place on the east side of the state that does them! It sucks that we won't get a video of Hannah and that the next time we see her will be when she's born! :( I was pretty upset.
Well, I posted a few pictures... I wasn't all that great at taking pictures at Thanksgiving or when the Cox's visited. I'll have to steal some pictures from Megan... I know her and Sharon took some. Anyway, here are a few updated pictures. And a picture of my belly at 26 weeks. Hannah's making my stomache look like conehead! She really make it come to a point... it looks pretty silly. Have a great week!
KaeLee and her cousin Jake on Thanksgiving KaeLee-10 months Jake-13 months
The cousins looking at a video they made on the computer...
A few of the family after we're all stuffed!
Getting an early start at talking on the phone! She loves it!!
It almost looks like a cry, but she was right in the middle of a very big laugh here! hahaha.... she cracks me up! (of course, she only laughs like this when she looks at Shawn...!
26 weeks pregnant.... one week from my 3rd trimester!
KaeLee at 10 months!