Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'm OUTRAGED!!! (and a few other updates...)

I feel like I haven't blogged in a while..... but it's only been since Sunday! Hahaha!! Well, yesterday KaeLee pulled herself up to her feet for the first time! She has been able to pull herself up to her knees for a while, but that was the first time on her feet. The other morning, I went in to her room to get her up and she had herself pulled up on the side of the crib (on her knees) and was waiting for someone to come get her... it was SO cute! Her little head was poking up above the crib railing. I told Shawn that this means we should probably move her mattress down to a lower setting before she pulls herself up to her feet and topples over it! So good thing he did that yesterday since that's when she started pulling herself up! The crib is such a pain to adjust, but Shawn was a trooper and won't have to do it again! (Until the next baby, I suppose...)

I can't believe that tomorrow is October! This whole summer has just flown by! And there are now only 12 days until our ultrasound! Whoo-Hoo! And KaeLee turned 8 months old on Saturday... she's getting SO big! And she just went up a size in diapers too! WOW! I just opened the first package of diapers that I actually purchased! I have officially gone through all the diapers from my baby shower! WOW! That lasted a long time! I am so grateful for them all!

I watched Hayden yesterday and KaeLee was so excited to see her, she couldn't hardly contain herself! But every time I put KaeLee on the floor, she would immediately start crawling towards Hayden, then Hayden would start crying and crawl away from her. Well, she crawls a lot faster than KaeLee and KaeLee couldn't catch her, so this made KaeLee cry because Hayden was crawling away from her, then Hayden would cry louder because KaeLee was crying. Then I would cry because they were crying.... No, just kidding! :) But it was pretty funny. Hayden finally warmed up to KaeLee after about an hour or so, then they were able to play together just fine..... except if KaeLee touched Hayden in any way, she would immediately start crying. It was quite funny! She's coming over again tomorrow so we'll see how they do then. Weston (Our neighbor boy who just turned 2) will also be over during the morning.... I'll have my hands full, that's for sure!

So I have to share my current complaint! I am quite outraged by it, actually! So the hospital starts a new policy tomorrow that anyone under the age of 14 cannot visit the pediatrics floor or the new mommy floor! I am so incredibly peeved at this!! I do not understand how they can do this?!?! What this means is that KaeLee will not be allowed on the floor when I have this next baby!! I seriously cannot get over this and I am completely upset about it!! How can you keep the mother's child from seeing her for who knows how many days?!? This is not right!! It's called the "Family Birthplace" but yet, they aren't allowing the family in?!?! Oh, I'm so mad! I am seriously considering home birth because of this! (haha, yeah right.... there's no drugs at home... haha) Anyway, I thought I would share my frustrations... in case anyone cares... I can kinda see their point for just visitors, but keeping the mother's children away is just outrageous!

Well, I am at work... it is incredibly slow.... I think I will go visit KaeLee across the street.... I don't think there's anything else too exciting to tell about... have a good rest of the week.... halfway to the weekend! YAY! (wait, I have to work this weekend... BOO!!!) Talk to ya later!

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