Monday, July 18, 2011

For The Record

Just thought I'd get this down in writing so that down the road I can have the pleasure of saying, "But you said...!!"  haha. 

So last night, Shawn must have been having a good daddy day, because he told me that we can have a third child.  Not too surprising, since I knew he would say this eventually....


he also said that if we have another girl, he wants to try ONE more time to have a boy!   WHAT?!?!  FOUR kids??  Silly Shawn..... he said his ABSOLUTE cut off was 3.  I always said that I would like 4, but knew it would never happen!  But now, there is hope at the end of the tunnel! 

Let me make myself completely clear here, though.  We do not plan on trying for another baby any time soon.  Maybe in a year and a half or so?  According to our "plan", we would like to get out of this house, move into the next house (1 away from our dream home, ideally) in a year and a half.  We would like to get settled, choose our location, save up some money, and actually be living comfortably off of a profit from the orchard instead of a loan like we are now (it will take us 2-3 years to pay off the loan before we start making complete profit from the orchard).   So that's the PLAN, but we all know that while we are making plans ourselves, our God has a sense of humor and has a plan of his own up his sleeve.  This happened to my cousin, who had just gotten rid of all of her baby stuff, and then, YUP.  She got pregnant.  Haha.  God definitely had other plans for them!   :) 


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