Saturday, June 18, 2011

A quick little update!

This week has been super busy..... as usual.  But this weekend has been nice so far.  We had a few invites different things, but we decided to spend this weekend with just the four of us.  Well, okay, I take that back.  We decided to spend TODAY with just the four of us...... haha.  With such a large family, it's a rarity around here.  I thought we'd take today to actually get some stuff done around here and maybe let the girls jump into their swimming pool for the first time, but the weather is not cooperating with us!  Yesterday was so nice out and bright and sunny.... and today it's overcast and randomly raining.  Not good news for the neighbors, whose daughter is getting married today! 

Last weekend, Shawn's family came over and we celebrated Alyssa's graduation from Lawrence University.  She will be going to the University of Arizona starting this fall for her graduate school.  We had a good time with a BBQ and played some bocce ball and ate a lot!

Sunday, KaeLee finally pooped in the toilet!  YAY KaeLee!!  She pooped twice in one day, in fact.  Then did it the next day...... and hasn't since.  Argh.  I thought we had finally hit a home run, but apparently it may have been a fluke.  :(

I got my new dishes last week and I think I love them.  They are not anything like what I imagined myself buying, but they are growing on me more and more each day.  They are burgundy and black with white petals on them.  That's actually a horrible description.....! 

Last night, I ordered KaeLee some new bed sheets!  Yay!  Do you know how hard it is to find a flat sheet for a toddler bed without buying an entire bed set?  Argh.  It was tough.  We decided that she needs to have actual bedding that is tucked into her bed because she moves around at night, taking her barely-big-enough blankets off of her, and then she wakes up cold and wants them put back on.  We are tired of going up there every hour in the middle of the night!  So hopefully this will help.  Hannah has been waking up quite a bit lately too, so I ordered some teething gel with her diaper order yesterday, as well, to see if that is the problem.  And I am not sure if I have mentioned that she has been super clingy and fussy and goes into full-tantrum mode if I walk around the corner, but she does.  And it's quite irritating.  I love that she loves her momma.  But I would love it even more, if they were "moments" of being a mama's girl instead of a 24/7 thing.  It's really starting to wear on me and gets very frustrating. 

Then there is KaeLee, who is definitely NOT a mama's girl and has been showing QUITE the attitude lately!  She likes to tell me "Don't talk to me".  Um, excuse me?  I'm your mother and I am pretty sure I will talk to you if I want to talk to you!  And the other night, I was getting dinner ready and this was our conversation:

ME: "KaeLee, it's almost time to get up in your chair for dinner!"
KAELEE: "NO! two more minutes!" 
ME: "Yes, that's what 'almost' means.  You have two more minutes until you need to get up in your chair. 
KAELEE: OOOkAAAYYYY! (very drawn out and with a TON of attitude!)

two minutes go by....

ME: KaeLee, your two minutes is over.  I need you to get up in your chair now please. 
KAELEE: NO Mom!  I can't eat dinner now, I HAVE to make a PHONE CALL! (said while her hands on her hips and bobbing her head back and forth while waving the phone at me like, DUH)
Me: (groaning) I'll put Hannah up first, but you'd go get up in your chair.  You can play with your phone after dinner. 

after I get Hannah situated (by the way, Shawn is not home)....

ME: KAELEE! Get up in your chair now please.  If I have to tell you again, you be in time out!
KAELEE: (groaning and talks into her phone) I have to go.  Bye bye. 
ME: Thank you. Do you want me to help you?
KAELEE: NO! I can do it myself.  All by myself.  (then she breaks out into song and starts singing the 'All by myself' song from Barney)

This is how my daily conversations go with her and the little attitude gets old real quick.  I'm sure it's quite hilarious to anyone else listening to it, but I am oh so tired of it.  I remember my mom always getting mad at us and saying "why do you wait until I start yelling at you before you listen?!" and now I am saying the same thing to KaeLee....... UH OH. 

ANYway.....  I should probably get back to attempting to be productive today and get some laundry done at least.  Yay for laundry.  (eyes are rolling drastically.....)  Enjoy a few random pictures.  And I hope YOU are having a great weekend! Oh, and HAPPY FATHERS DAY! :)

Hannah is always on the go!

Silly girl!

Another silly girl!

And KaeLee's always on the run too!

But they CAN be sweet and adorable....

Awe, aren't they CUTE?!?!

Naked Hannah getting ready for a bath!

My two little froggies after bath.  Hannah loves to give her sissy hugs!

It looks like she's telling  her a secret... haha.  But she's really giving her a kiss.  How sweet

Outside playing ring around the rosie

"And we all fall down!"

Hannah has a new fascination with picking the grass. 

There she goes again....

This is how I let Hannah play with the playdough..... haha.  Otherwise she eats it, shoves it into crevasses it should be in or ends up in her ears, her hair, her clothes... and EVERYwhere it shouldn't!

Mommy and Hannah hanging out.  She loves her mama. 

Playing boccee ball in the backyard.

KaeLee playing on her slide

The gang observes as Alyssa opens gifts

Alyssa and Maitland open gifts with KaeLee and Hannah feel like "big girls" too for getting to sit with them.

YAY KaeLee!

KaeLee and Hannah having band practice in the laundry basket!

Sitting with the big girls while they open gifts!


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