Monday, May 16, 2011

Superheroes, Insane Asylum, Sleepy Eater and a Dancing Toddler

Yup, that wraps up our family description..... haha. 

So.... just a few things to share with you today....

First of all, I am completely tired and thus, my new found hero is this:
Though I have had this Starbucks Espresso Machine for 3 1/2 years (thanks to my cousin for our wedding gift!), I have really only started to be able to enjoy it lately since I have either been pregnant or breastfeeding practically the whole time.....!!  But when we moved, I got to set it back up and re-learn how to use it.  And boy has it come in handy.... DAILY! 

And "why?", you may ask, am I so tired?  Well, lately, Hannah has been deciding that it's cool to wake up at 5am and be ready to start the day.... all bright eyed and bushy tailed!  Argh.  So, my espresso machine has been nothing but a superhero to me lately!

However...... this is what that whole "waking up early" thing did to her today.... haha.

I found this to be extremely hilarious and though I had better record it for her daddy to see when he gets home from work..... haha.  The poor girl.  I know I should have probably "helped" her, but it was just too funny.  Click HERE to enjoy

 And this is (or rather should be!) Hannah's superhero! (yes, this picture is a little old, but it just shows me that apparently he needs to be in some more pictures (by himself...)!  I will try to keep that in mind. :)

Last night was yet another superhero action from Daddy.  Yes.  He saved Hannah's life.  Again.  At this point, I believe we have lost count with how many times we have saved that little lady's life!  She went under the water in the tub (again) last night.  She is just SO clumsy and has NO balance whatsoever!  Shawn and I were both in the bathroom with the girls while they were taking a bath.  Shawn was sitting on the toilet (yes, the lid was down...), and I was stocking the toilet paper in the cupboard.  We were having a conversation, I was kneeling on the floor, with my upper half practically inside the cupboard trying to rearrange things to be able to FIT the toilet paper.....! I heard a big splash and jolted my head up to see Shawn yanking Hannah up by her arm.  We really don't have the water very deep.  It goes to her belly button.  But it is certainly deep enough to cause some damage! 

That girl is CRAZY!  She is a total destructive, clumsy, and careless girl!  She will, no doubtingly, break a bone by the age of three!  She gets a new bruise every day.  If you were looking at her as an outsider you may think that she is being abused (God forbid that thought should ever happen!).  I can totally see us in the ER someday though, trying to explain all her bruises and near death experiences. 

Shawn and I have talked several times about how God has saved her from death SO many times!  She nearly falls into the TV stand (which is glass!) every day.  When she twirls to dance, it is right next to the TV stand.  When KaeLee is chasing her, Hannah runs straight towards the TV stand.  When she trips over her own feet, she just happens to be right next to the TV stand 98% of the time.  And if it's not the TV stand, it is the brick on the fireplace (which we do have a rubber liner on!).  The only two dangerous places in the house and she manages to find them.  Every time.  Oh, and the little outlet plugs for the electrical sockets?  Nevermind those, she'll just unplug whatever is plugged in and play with that one!  Oh, and why not chew on the cord why we're at it? 


So if you wonder why I may be checked into an insane asylum at any point in time, you can only imagine why, after chasing after this crazy girl 24/7! ;)

On the lighter side, if you would like to enjoy a video of KaeLee dancing, click HERE!  It's a little long, but SO worth it!  She is such a cutie! :)

Oh, and also some other GREAT news...... We started trying potty training again yesterday and so far between yesterday afternoon/evening and all day today, KaeLee has only had 1 1/2 accidents.  I big one (that luckily was on the hardwood floors....!) and the other one she stopped halfway through and finished on the toilet!  Great job KaeLee!  Keep it up!  If you happen to see her or talk to her anytime soon, please offer her some praise for being such a big girl!  I know THIS momma is PROUD of her! 

Well, that's all for now...... I have a million and one things to blog about, but this will have to do for now!  Have a great week and Happy birthday to my mother-in-law, Sue today!  :) See you all soon!


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