Sunday, December 12, 2010

Pictures finally!

Here are the pictures that wouldn't upload last night!  I thought of something else I was going to write about...... 

I was going to let you all know how independent KaeLee is becoming!  She has always FREAKED out if you start going upstairs to change Hannah's diaper and throws a fit if you leave the room without her.  But this last week, I have told her, I'm going to put Hannah down for a nap, do you want to come with me?  And she says NO!  WOW!  So I go upstairs and feed her a bottle and put her down and come downstairs and KaeLee is happily playing by herself.  Can we say AMAZING!  And in the mornings, she has stayed behind upstairs, happily reading her book while Hannah and I go downstairs.  Shawn witnessed this this morning (yes, he came back early!) and I said to KaeLee "do you want to go downstairs with us?" and she said, "no, I read" okay.  As we were walking out of her room she says "Bye Bye!" haha.  Shawn was just as amazed as I was when it first happened.  She is sure growing up before our eyes!  I still can't believe she will be TWO next month!  And then a month and a half later, Hannah will be ONE!  What?!?!?! 

Shoot!  I just thought of something else, but now I can't remember it!  Oh, it sucks having such a bad memory! 

Oh wait!  I was going to tell another quick (yeah right!) story about KaeLee's OCD-ness.  Shawn put her down for her nap today and when he was leaving her room she started blood-curdling SCREAMING!  Shawn came downstairs and said he has no idea why she was crying.  He put all the blankets on her she normally has.  I went over the order of the blankets and asked him how he did it.  We figured out that we reversed the order of the last two blankets (she has to have FIVE blankets on her!).  And one of them was "upside down".  So he went back upstairs and fixed the last two blankets.  She was all better and happily said ni-night.  HAHAHA  Shawn came down complaining of how ridiculous this is and how she has OCD as bad as me.  It is pretty bad that her blankets have to be in a certain order and even facing the right way.  haha.  But pretty funny too.  She even reaches her hand back behind her to "check" our work and make sure we did it right. 

Anyway, on to the pictures...... ;)

Getting our Christmas Tree!  The nice man is cutting the end of it for us!

Shawn is tieing (that word doesn't look right....) the tree up onto the van!  Too bad he didn't go Truck shopping last weekend...... he wouldn't have had to do this!  haha

KaeLee is checking out the ornaments as start to decorate

She is finding the perfect spot on the tree for the ornament she chose to hang
 KaeLee was begging me to hold Hannah, so I finally et her, even though they weigh the same.  I don't think I could hold someone like this who weighed the same as me!  Hannah was like "what's going on here?!?!" KaeLee loved it though, as you can see!
 KaeLee got her first "homemade" hair cut!!  I was tired of trying to keep her hair out of her eyes!  I gave her bangs and trimmed the back a bit!  Not very attractive pictures of me, but it had to be documented!

The pile of hair I cut off of her!

Hannah is holding the ladder to make sure mommy doesn't fall off..... haha
 I love this picture of them!  They are just hanging out.  Trying to climb the ladder

I love this picture of Hannah!  She's just chillin by the front door!  Oh, and inching her way towards the stairs!
 The last ornament gets hung!
 Our decorated tree!  We still have lots of room for ornaments on there, but I figure we also have lots of years to collect them!

A little out of order.... but Shawn helps hang them too!

KaeLee decides "painting" with her yogurt would be more fun!

So I mentioned before that KaeLee is into not wearing clothes...... well now we have gone to the opposite end of the spectrum, and she wants her whole winter getup on!!  I can't keep up with this crazy girl!

Hannah hanging out with us as we decorate her Christmas tree in her room
 KaeLee is enjoying it though!

Now time to decorate KaeLee's tree in her room!  She thinks the beads are "pretty"! 

KaeLee's finished tree....

Hannah's tree.....

 I forgot to take pictures until the very end of their visit, but Larry (Shawn's Boss), and his wife Pauline, came over for dinner Tuesday night.  It was fun to have them over.  The girls love Pauline.  If you remember the pictures of her playing piano with her the last time she saw her....

KaeLee and Hannah.... KaeLee is using a burp cloth as a blanket and covering them both up.  Awe, so nice of her to share! 

Pretty Hannah!

I caught Hannah sneaking into the pantry.... I must have left the door open.... oops!  She was loving it though!
 It's snowing!!  YAY! 

I got all the gifts wrapped and ready to go!  It feels GREAT to have it all done!  Now I can focus on doing fun stuff with the girls like baking and crafting.... yay!
 As I mentioned, Hannah is able to climb into the car by herself now!  She is so proud!
 She was honking the horn here and was so proud!  I remember how long it took KaeLee to figure out how to honk the horn..... and she was a year old when she got this car from grandma!  What a smart girl Hannah is!

No no Hannah!  We don't stand in the car!  (She has yet to learn this, obviously!

This is KaeLee's handprint Tree!  I thought it turned out great!  She colored her ornaments and she put all the ornaments and flowers on herself!

Here's Hannah's tree!

Have a great Sunday everyone!  Oh, and I just thought of one more thing.... yesterday, Hannah attempted to climb the stairs and made it up the whole way!  (Yes, I was right behind her the whole way!)  She is getting SO big!  And she is starting to stand up by herself and stay standing for a lot longer now too!  She will most definitely be walking in no time!  She can't wait till she can chase after her sister!!


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