Friday, September 25, 2009

Another day....Another story....

So, KaeLee was at daycare today and I always go visit her in the afternoons.... well, one of the teachers over there is absolutely obsessed with KaeLee and she is always taking pictures of her and the other babies. And every time I go over to play with her for a while, she is always like, "oh, let's take a picture of mommy and KaeLee!" Oh, goodness.... just want.... my picture taken! And today she asked if I could bring her a family picture so she can put it in the next newsletter... oh my, she is funny! And she just goes on and on about how cute KaeLee is and how we couldn't possibly be able to have another baby that even compares to her cuteness... it's a little much, really. Appreciated, but a little much. I almost feel sorry for the other babies in there if she doesn't think they are that cute... almost.. hehehe... Anyway, she is going to email me some pictures of KaeLee at daycare playing with her friends, so I'll have to post them when she does.

Other than that, there's not a whole lot of news... Shawn and I lead a pretty boring life to say the least! For example.... we are currently talking to each other on IM through facebook... I am upstairs on the computer and he is downstairs on the lap top... HOW LAME ARE WE??!! haha. But I think we are going to go play a game or something before we hit the hay... though I could really go to bed now...

This weekend should be pretty fun filled... we have a wedding tomorrow (my Godmother's daughter.... also a friend of mine) and we might go to the parade tomorrow...KaeLee will most likely be in the middle of her morning nap though, so we'll see. I also need to go to Costco, so the parade thing may be out of luck. Then on Sunday, we are going to the fair!! YAY!! I love the fair! I am excited for KaeLee to walk through all the barns and look at the animals... her favorite books are those with animals and she loves it when you do animal sounds, so it should be fun! I just hope she doesn't sleep through it all! And I can't wait to have caramel apple slices and my special ice cream bar dipped it nuts! It's delicious! Walking through all the buildings is MY favorite part!

Well.... I hear Shawn shuffling some cards... guess we're playing cards of some sort... gotta go whoop some butt... See y'all later! Have a good weekend!

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