Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hannah the Hellion

That's the nickname my mom gave her anyway..... haha! 

So my little miss Hannah has begun her terrible twos!  She is getting more obnoxious and mischievous by the minute these days!  She is testing everything.  My patience, my child-proofing skills, the stability of EVERYTHING in the house (whether it can hold her weight while she climbs on it), the hardiness of every wall, floor, corner and permanent object (while she rams into it, usually head first.)  


I may be officially going crazy.  She is truly testing my limits.  Today, she had to sit on the curb of the sidewalk (of a parking lot.... no, not on the street....!) for time out.  She refuses to listen when I call her name or ask her to do something.  She is into EVERYthing.  And she does whatever she can that she knows will bother her sister.  And then keep doing it.  She is being quite rotten lately.  Most of the time it is difficult from laughing when she does something.  But most of the time I just have to sigh and roll my eyes and then go straighten her out. 

And she is the most sensitive little girl I have ever known.  There are many days where even just a rude look glanced at her will make her cry.  So she is definitely not one I can yell at (effectively) or give the "look" to.  She starts crying and eventually gets to the point of hyperventilating.  So she thinks she can get away with anything.  But she is learning that when mommy says no, she means no.  Or, at least I HOPE she is.  UGH.  It's going to be a long battle with her through this stage! 

Bedtime/Naptime is probably the worst.  She does not stay in her toddler bed.  She gets out the moment you shut the door after saying goodnight.  She gets out and gets all of her babies and puts them in her bed then (usually) climbs right back in.  So, one night, I just said fine, you might as well start with all your babies in your bed and then maybe you won't get out..... wrong.  She threw all of her babies overboard and then got out of bed to retrieve them and put them back into the bed.  Weird.  Now, I would be fine with this if this is all she was doing, but the story has just begun. 

It began one night when I found her naked in her room after she took off all of her pajamas and her diaper.  Well, I guess it started before that, nearly a year ago, when she discovered how to unzip her pjs and take them off.  We had to switch pjs and use the two piece pant and shirt style.  Now, she has learned how to take those pjs off, so we had to switch to the tighter pajamas.  That worked for a couple weeks.  Now she has conquered those pajamas.  Apparently we are raising a hippie baby.  one who just likes to be naked.  haha.  Not she is in the habit of also taking her diaper off.  The first time she did this, she peed in her bed, and of course, sheets had to be changed, she had to have a quick wipe down (no, I was not going to give her another bath....!)  and new pjs had to be put on.  And back to bed she went. 

The next time it happened, we went in to check on her before we went to bed and found her naked in her bed, laying on her tummy, with her naked butt sticking up in the air.  And, of course, she wet the bed, so we had to do the whole routine again.  And may I point out that she did not wake up in the slightest bit the entire time..... haha. 

Saturday night she fell asleep quite fast.  Though, when we went in to check on her, we could barely get into the room because she had taken her comforter and laid it on the floor right in front of the door like a picnic blanket and fell asleep on it there.  So we had to put her back in bed.  Then, a few days ago during nap...... she took forever to fall asleep and the m onitor was finally quiet.  But that only lasted about 15 minutes before you could hear her knocking on the door saying "can I come out please?"  awe, that makes me sad.  Like she is some kind of prisoner or something.... haha.  She just hasn't completely gotten a handle on the door knobs yet.  She can only open it about 10% of the time.  Anyway, so I went in there to let her out (it had been an hour and a half now) and I found all three of her PACKED dresser drawers emptied out into a big heap on her bed.  UGH.  And do you know what I found underneath all those clothes?  An entire container of wipes emptied out.  And the weight of the clothes on top of them made them SOAK the entire bed and her pillow.  So, again, I had to change her sheets and her pillow......  ugh.  She can be so frustrating.  This was not the first time getting into the wipes..... and not her last either!  Mama's not too keen on this!

Last night, I put her bed and then, since Shawn was gone, I put KaeLee to bed next.  Before I was even done with KaeLee, she was knocking on the door "can I get out please?"  So I went in there to put her back to bed and opened the door to find her naked.  Ugh.  Here we go again.  I looked over and her diaper was laying on the floor.  And then, there it was.  Right NEXT to the diaper.  On the floor.  A big pile of poop.  And it wasn't solid, either.  And we had olives and mandarin oranges for lunch that day.  Yummy.  So I had to clean THAT up.  So, I finally dug out her 24 month onsies (she hasn't worn onsies in forever, they are not too convienant to check for dirty diapers or quick diaper changes for this wild girl!) and she got thrown into a onsie. 

Yeah, that's right.  Try to get out of THAT one, little Miss Hannah Banana the Hellion!

Today, at nap, she did the same thing.  No onsie at nap, since she was already dressed for the day.  I really don't want to have to change her into a onsie just for nap, but it may have to just be that way.  *SIGH* 

For those of you who are thinking "you need to potty train her!"  Yes, I know.  I am going to start trying again on Monday.  Yes, again.  I tried just over a month ago and it was a horrible  disaster.  She refused to go pee in the potty, she could care less if she peed in her panties.  She just sat there and continued to play until KaeLee or I figured it out. 

BUT,  we may have (hopefully!) had a break through last night.  She has been sitting on the toliet every night before bath for over a year now, because that's what KaeLee does and she wants to be just like her big sister. But last night was the FIRST time she has ever actually gone pee in the toliet!  Whoo-Hoo! 


In other news....

KaeLee has her first imaginary friend.  Her name is Tracie.  Apparently Tracie is just staying with us for a little bit because she has to go back to the hospital soon.  But not too worry...... KaeLee will be calling her on the phone every day when she leaves.  ???  I don't know either.  haha.  Yesterday, on our way home from the Y, she was telling me that none of the other kids would talk to Tracie or let her play with them.  oh boy.  I have no idea where she got the name Tracie from.   The only Tracie I know works with my mom.....  ? 

She is getting quite the imagination lately.  And she tries so hard to get Hannah to play along with her and a lot of times Hannah doesn't quite follow her wild imagination and KaeLee gets frustrated.  But today, they played beautifully together and let their imaginations run wild.  We built a fort out of bed sheets and they had a blast in that today! 

Okay, my fingers are getting quite tired.  I need to stop for the night.  I have easter pictures to post..... they will hopefully be coming soon!  Until then, I need to hit the hay! See y'all later!


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