Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sharing the Wealth....

So I have started "couponing".  I say this lightly since I have always clipped, saved and used coupons, but never to this extent and never have I been so organized with it and actually paid attention to the sales and matched my coupons with the great deals I already find with the sales going on.  I have found a great blog that I now follow (among a few others). She is fabulous and has links to (almost) all the stores in my area (I believe she is from Washington somewhere) and the great deals they have for the week. 

This week, I have found out that Albertsons will have doubler coupons in the Sunday paper!  You can also go to the store and get them, but must get there early Sunday because they run out of them that same day!  Take your husband so he can get extras for you!

I am so glad I found this out since I was planning to go shopping there tomorrow for what I thought were great deals already!  But this just makes those deals SO much sweeter!  I will show you a sneak peek into what I am buying:

~Oreos: Reg price is 2.99, on sale for 1.99.  I have a coupon for $1 off of 2 which will be doubled to $2 off of 2, which will make them .99 cents each when I buy 2!!!  Whoo Hoo!

~Bulls Eye BBQ sauce, on sale for 79 cents.  (when you buy a total of 10 items from their 1,200 items listed) I have a coupon for .50 cents off of 1, making the product .29 cents!  I could double this coupon and make it FREE! but I don't think I will.  If they paid you for coupon overage, I definitely would!

~Dan-o-nino yogurts, 4 pack, on sale for $2, I have a coupon for $1 off of 1 which will double to $2 off of 1, making the item FREE!! 
~Danimals drinkable smoothies, 6 pack, on sale for $2, I have a coupon for $1/1, which will double to $2/1, making them FREE!!
~both of these items (Dan-o-mino and Danimals) are a part of a special they are running right now where if you buy 4 products, you get a gallon of milk FREE! 

         ~~So..... I will buy 2 Dan-o-nino 4 packs and 2 Danimals smoothies (which the girls LOVE!).  Because you can only double 3 coupons per transaction, I will double 3 of them, get a FREE gallon of milk and pay only $1!!  Whoo Hoo!~~

I have been really enjoying this whole couponing thing lately!  It's quite fun to take on the challenge to find the best deals!  And I have been going to the recycling center once a week to get coupons out of the newspaper recycle bins, and it's quite the thrill to see how much "money" you can find there!  I have ran into other people looking for other things, too, which I think it's hilarious!  One guy I was talking to was searching the bins for box tops for his kids to take to school......!  How sweet!  People throw the box tops away ALL the time (including me!) and they can actually help schools out a lot! 

Anyway, Hannah has finally woken up, so I need to go get her.  I will do another post soon, I believe.  I thought of something to post yesterday, but have forgotten.... so perhaps I will remember..... for now, I will leave you with this funny girl.  I title this picture "I CAN DO IT MYSELF!" haha.

Oh..... and I almost forgot!  If you go to you can print coupons for $1 off of aquafresh toothpaste!  It allows 2 prints per coupon per computer! And right now, Safeway has these on sale for .99 cents!  Yes, this would mean they are FREE!  Enjoy!


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