Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Belated Mother's Day!

Well, Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful mamas out there!  I know it's a day late, but honestly, I just didn't feel like sitting down and writing a blog yesterday.  Today I feel like there are so many other things on my to-do list that I really shouldn't be sitting here today either.  But today I am not the least bit motivated to tackle that list.  Argh.  I want a lazy day.  A relaxing day that I don't have to do anything.  Kind of like I had yesterday!  (thanks to my amazing husband and kids!) I think maybe I want that kind of day today because I enjoyed it so much yesterday.  I guess stay at home moms dislike Mondays just as much as any other "working" mom! 

Yesterday, KaeLee woke up early which meant I was up early.  But she is so independent that once she is up, has her glass of milk and has snuggled for a few minutes, you hardly notice she's around.  She's off in no time, playing with her toys, her dollies, or reading books.  And little miss Hannah gave mommy the gift of sleeping in!  She slept until 8:45!  That NEVER happens!  She got up just in time for breakfast and then we got the girls dressed and were out the door to go to church. 

Church was good.  Though, I am curious to see what they talk about during Father's Day, because our sermon was about how to bring our children up.  Like it's only the mom's job or something..... haha. 

During worship, (randomness coming! sorry in advance) one of the songs we sang was "Blessed Be the Name of the Lord".  I have heard and sung along with this song countless times before, but while staring at the lyrics on the projected screen, my mind was wandering and I realized that this would make a great funeral song.  I know, not really what my mind should be focusing on during worship, but I couldn't help it.  More and more, I feel that I would love to work at a funeral home.  And I am tired of people telling me that it's a morbid thought or that I'm weird...... I don't see that as morbid or weird at all.  Get over it. 

When we got home from church, Shawn took the girls outside and they cut some fresh tulips for me for mother's day.  They are HUGE tulips!  They brought them back to me, but it wasn't so easy for them to give them up to me.  Especially Hannah.  She just wanted to play with and smell them all day.  After a bit of crying, we finally got them into a vase and I got to open a couple of gifts from the girls (some books and a card game) and then we made some lunch and put the girls down for a nap.  One of the best gifts was that they slept for 3 hours!!  Whoo-Hoo!  And Shawn left me alone to catch up on my Greys Anatomy, Private Practice and Say Yes to the Dress and he also took a nap.  It was a great 3 hours, let me tell you!  The girls woke up and played and had a snack, then we ran to the store for some diapers.  We ordered Olive Garden "to-go" and Shawn picked it up for us.  They messed up on the order and Shawn got something completely different then what he ordered.  He ordered the Braised Beef with Tortellini and got the chicken alfredo.... haha.  And we ended up with 2 dozen breadsticks and the wrong salad dressing.... so Shawn called them and they refunded his dinner and we have a gift card in the mail...... COOL! 

The girls took a bath after dinner and Hannah had another mother's day surprise.... Yup: She pooped in the tub.  Again.  Thank you sweet girl.  But as another mother's day gift, Shawn cleaned it up.  After the girls were in bed (which was way early: 7:45!) :) Shawn and I settled in and got to catch up on Parks and Rec and then watched the season finale of Amazing Race before heading to bead ourselves. 

In other news: 

We sold our house!  We are to close on Thursday!  Whoo-Hoo!! 

We got to take our washer and dryer with us!  I am so excited because the washer and dryer that they left are a lot smaller than the ones we had.  This means that I won't have to do as much laundry!  Well, as many loads, anyway..... haha  I suppose I will still have the same amount of clothes to wash....  Shawn is hooking them up right now for me.  Yay!

We went to Yakima for a couple of days.  We watched Konner's track meet (where he ran a 5:33 mile, his best time so far!  I'd say that's pretty good for an 8th grader!)  We spent Friday morning with my aunt and cousin and her new baby (they are up from California for a couple of weeks!).  Then we met my mom and all 7 of us girls had lunch together.  Saturday, my brother came home from WSU for the summer and we had a barbeque for Mother's Day and then we left after the barbeque and headed back home. 

This Saturday we are having a yard sale.  I am not looking forward to it a whole lot, other than getting rid of everything and making a little money.  Our goal is to make enough for a bed for the guest room.  It looks a little bare in there without one.... haha.  I hate pricing everything though.  It's so much work to have a yardsale!  But being an avid yardsaler myself, I know my own pet-peeves of yardsaling and WILL have everything priced and WILL have bright, legible signs that actually lead you to our house! 

KaeLee is getting so cute (well, yes, they both are....!) Her teacher at church said she loves to sing, and boy is she right!  I took a video yesterday of her singing along to her singing Elmo.  It is super cute but WAY long!  I am still debating whether I should upload it for you all or not.  I know it will take FORever to load, so I'm still pondering....

Other than that, there is nothing else to report.  I hope you all had a great weekend and an even better week. 

Oh yeah.  Osama is dead.  I guess that's a good thing?  My only concern is that there are plenty of people working with him and I have a feeling they are only going to want to retaliate in an even bigger way.  Scary.  Oh, and I am not the biggest Obama fan but try to stay respectful...... but I am NOT a fan of someone who takes all the credit for himself and says "I I I I I I ....."   Really Obama?  You didn't have any one else working with you or collaborating with you on this one?  Give me a break. 

Pictures to come later tonight hopefully.  I have about a gazillion of them.  Some super cute ones of course!


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