Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Week Through Pictures

Way too many pictures of Easter week festivities!  So this will be another photo blog.  :)  We had a great weekend, full of TONS of family and fun!  I had found a slew of activities to do with the girls that have to do with the REAL meaning of Easter, but unfortunately they aren't quite old enough for them.  But next year, we will have MANY more pictures from the week, since I already have the calender packed full with fun stuff to do to teach the true meaning of Easter (and of course, keep the egg dying, treat making, easter basket diving, and egg hunting mixed in there as well!!)  But for this year, here it goes..... :)

KaeLee playing with the girls' new water table.... she loves it. 

I caught Hannah in the middle of saying "ruff ruff!" She heard a neighbor's dog and she loves to copy them!  haha.  She makes the cutest faces when she says it!

Both girls with their new water table..... getting soaked!

Hannah's basket before the Easter bunny wrapped it all up.....

KaeLee's basket....

Thursday: Egg Dying!
KaeLee helping to dye eggs.  I bought an egg spinner.  I thought it'd be more fun for them to spin the egg rather than plop it in the water and sit and wait for it.  It was a big hit! 

KaeLee's finished project!

Hannah was able to really get into it too!

KaeLee writing on her egg with a crayon

Hannah's finished egg!

Mommy and KaeLee coloring eggs

Hannah playing peek-a-boo..... haha

KaeLee being silly while she does some traditional style coloring

watching and waiting....

Daddy and KaeLee coloring eggs

The girls admiring their finished products

Here they are!  We didn't color too many, but it was definitely plenty!

Friday: Cookie Decorating!
KaeLee's helping to decorate the cookies for the neighbors....

This cross is broken...... so......

She got to eat it.  haha.  She was pretty excited about that, since she definitely never gets sugar cookies!  haha

Hannah thoroughly enjoyed her piece too!  But was literally bouncing off the walls later and running around like a chicken with her head cut off!  No more sugar cookies for you, sista!!

Saturday: Egg hunting practice!
On Saturday morning, Rick and Sharon came over for the girls' practice run at hunting for eggs.  KaeLee was a master at it!

Grandma Sharon helping Hannah during her FIRST egg hunt!

The girls go at it! They are on a roll!

KaeLee's egg!

Daddy helping Hannah

Hannah with her basket

Grandpa Rick helping out Hannah

KaeLee found an egg!  I meant to crop this picture before I posted it and zoom in.  Her face is so cute.  She is SO proud of herself for finding the eggs by herself!

Hey grandpa!  That's cheating! haha

Squatting down to put the egg in her basket.... SO cute!

Grandma Sharon helps KaeLee reach an egg

Finding more eggs..... hope you're getting used to these pictures....... there's a lot of them.... haha

What a pretty little girl she is! :)

Checkin out how many eggs she has!

She found another one!

KaeLee showing off her bunny crackers..... the goodies inside the eggs she found

Saturday evening, we had Shawn's cousin's birthday party at our house and had another little egg hunt for the girls.... and for the adults! :)

KaeLee is a PRO now!

Hannah found one!

KaeLee shares and gives one of hers to Hannah..... what a sweet sister!

KaeLee found another one!

The birthday girl, Christina even finds a few.... ;)

Some of the spectators

Checking out the contents of their findings....

KaeLee gets a basket from Grandma Sue

As does Hannah of course!

Check out her new glasses! What a cool girl! :)

KaeLee shows her new glasses to Christina

Easter Morning:  The diving into the Easter baskets!

Hannah loves her new cookie monster

And her bunny ears.... HAHA.  KaeLee refused to put hers on.....  stubborn little thing!

Checking out the contents of her eggs (little people inside!)
 Easter Sunday:  After church, we drove to my Aunt's house in Moses Lake for the Sauve's side of the family get-together. 
Beautiful Hannah on Easter Day.

KaeLee trying to hula hoop.  With TWO hoops, mind you.  haha

Hannah loves her cars!

Just chillin

KaeLee helping cousin Jake honk the horn

KaeLee crawling through the tunnel and tent

Happy Hannah with Grandma

She's got her basket and is ready for the egg hunt! (yes! a third one!)

Hannah was trying to figure out how to get to this egg.  It was really funny.  She got into this position but couldn't reach it. 

She scooted herself forward and finally got it!  haha.  what a cutie!

Searching for eggs.  She liked carrying her own basket, no matter how heavy it got.  She cried when I tried to hold it for her.... silly girl!

Top: my brothers, Kory and Konner.  My dad and mom. 
Bottom, sister-in-law Cheryl, brother Tim and nephew Jake.  And then of course, me, shawn and the girls.

My cousin's son, Hayden, was playing with Hannah from the other side of the window.  Silly boy. 

His sister Hayleigh joined him.  Hannah was loving it.

KaeLee's checking out the fun going on outside with my cousin Jordan.  Wait.  Maybe Justin.  No, I'm pretty sure that's Jordan.......??  (they are twins...)

Well, Happy Easter everyone!  Hope yours was as great as ours!  :)


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